about me

I am watching American Idol.

January 27, 2006

Things that have happened today:

- I did some overtime tonight and it turns out everyone on the night shift is on myspace, so I showed them my page and we had a myspace party. Very exciting, let me tell you.

- I started writing an email to Matt One in a moment of weakness. You know what? I'm tired of this whole silent treatment. I do have pride, but I'm just tired of it. It pisses me off.

But before I sent it, I called my mom and read it to her, and she was all, "uh, are you fucking crazy?" And I closed it and forgot about it. It's a bad idea, I won't do it, I don't need him in my life, I don't want him in my life. It was just a moment of weakness, aren't I allowed a few of those?

- Ate like a fucking pig at El Fenix. Man, I love me some of that queso!

- Am now currently waiting for Josh to come over so I can have my Friday night lovin'. I miss him lots and I want his lips on mine immediately.

- Exactly a year ago, Mike invited me over and we officially ended my 7 year sex drought. The next day, I got offered my current job. A big couple of days for me, huh?

- I'm tired, and American Idol is amusing me.

- I worked on the Thin Red Line at work today, and I liked it for one reason only - a fantastic Nick Stahl death scene. The best one is by far in Sin City. You can't beat that. But this one was pretty good too.

Wow. I really don't have much to say, I guess. Well, rock out with your cock out anyway.


"I just wanted to tell you guys that I finally had the closure conversation with Matt. He kinda started it.. he asked if I enjoyed doing the nookie with him anymore. I took that as my chance to finally say what I needed to say. I said it, we were both very civil, and I don't know if we're going to be friends or not in the future."

"Does the name Hans Blix bother anyone else? I seriously cringe everytime I hear it. I'm sure that has to do with the fact that Blix was Josh's handle when we met on Matchmaker. But that's besides the point."

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