about me

New apartments and problems with plumbing

October 25, 2006

Things to say -

- Worst hair day EVER. It has something to do with not taking a shower this morning because for some reason there was no hot water and I was not into the whole cold water thing. So I put my Guns N Roses long sleeved t-shirt on and went to work. I probably looked like I just rolled out of bed, which basically I pretty much do every single morning anyway. I have to be at work at 7 in the morning, MMKAY? It's just not natural.

- Continuing the problems I just seemed to have with plumbing today, at work I happened to overflow a toilet. It was not pleasant.

- So apparently my credit is okay and I don't have a criminal background because I got into the apartment that I wanted. Yay! I move in a month,

You know what I'm seriously looking forward to the most? I'm looking forward to having a patio, a washer and dryer, that the community is pretty hardcore awesome, the security is great, it's one of the few apartments I've seen on Apartment that got 100 percent, but what I'm most excited about is that it's on the first floor. Is that sad? I don't care. No more stairs, bitches!

- I worked on a Hallmark movie and also an episode on Twenty Good Years today. In both the movie and the show, the word "frittata" was used. I don't think I've ever come across "frittata" before in my captioning journey, so to have it twice today was pretty nifty. I haven't had that whole circle of life experience in a while and it's nice to know it's still there. (I had to search for "vivisection" to find that entry, by the way)

- It rained today. Mmm, rain.

- I forgot to mention that at the farm this weekend, I was introduced to the new tiny kitty. He's a little black kitten and when I picked him up he instantly started purring. As we all know I am not a cat person at all, but this kitty melted my heart into a big gushy blob. Kitty! Purring! And then I set him down and petted him and he licked my finger (tee hee! that feels weird!) and then kinda bit it with his little sharp teeth. I don't know, it just kind of delighted me.

- I don't have any kind of TV show obsessions right now, but I am kind of obsessed with this website. I've done very little customer service but it still entertains me and distracts me from working on Hallmark movies. Fantastic!

- I'm going to a Halloween party that's being given by a co-worker on Saturday. First of all, she lives in the community I'm about to move to. We'll like literally be next door neighbors. I didn't do that to live next to her or anything, I did it because it's a safe neighborhood and decently priced and everything I happened to be looking for. But I still think she MIGHT think it's because I want to be cool like her. Just something that bothers me a little.

Anyway, it's a costume party and we're supposed to come as someone on TV. At first I thought it had to be from a show that we captioned and I was pondering coming as Brett Somers from the Match Game, and then possibly Gene Rayburn, the host of the Match Game. But that would involve some thrift store shopping and motivation and I thought of something much simpler: I will go as House. As House, all I need is a cane and some prescription medicine. So very easy and funny, too!

- I wish to say that my boyfriend is being really lovely lately and I don't think I'm being lovely at all. But he is awesome and I love him and will try to be more lovely. Lovelier, if you will.

- If you will notice, I added a comments page to the bottom of my page. So, if you feel like givin' the love, I will accept it!

- Um, that's all. Here's a picture.

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