about me

small expensive apartments and cramps all at the same time

October 24, 2006

So I just worked out and I feel less like wanting to maim and pillage every person I come across. Yes, I have PMS. Or really, let's all be honest, it's not PMS, it's DMS - During Menstrual Syndrome. I'm all stressed out and my stomach is a sausage and I want to eat everything my eyes focus on (MMM LAMP) and I can't even have stress-free sexual intercourse because, yuck. And OHMYGOD the cramps! Why does the human body hate us so very much!?!

That was definitely way too much information, yet I just don't care.

Meanwhile, today I found an apartment. This whole process of looking for an apartment has definitely changed in the last year and half...everything, as far as I can tell, is about $100 more than it used to be. When I started this, I wanted an apartment for less than $650, not in the ghetto, at least 700 square feet. Well, I found one today. It's $711 a month, 656 square feet (50 square feet LESS than my current apartment.) But it is NOT in the ghetto, has a washer and dryer and a patio and is on the first floor (!!!) and it's in a really neat area of town that I happen to enjoy very much and it also takes puppy dogs, which Boston Terrier Iris happens to be. Honestly, I probably should have looked at maybe 2 or 3 more apartments, but I'm tired of this process and I researched it to death (and sacrficed many hours of work because of it) and kinda sucks to be 27 and living in a 656 square foot apartment. Especially since earlier this year I was looking at houses to buy, $150,000 houses, 1,110 square feet houses, houses to call my very own. I just thought I couldn't afford that at this point in my life. And now after seeing how little you get for $700 these days for an apartment, I'm kinda regretting that decision. I might as well have put the time in to get a house. It's all definitely a learning process. In 10 months hopefully I'll be in a position to change things for the better. After all, a year and a half ago I definitely wouldn't have been able to afford a $700 apartment.

Josh just asked me, "Do you like nuts?" and it made me giggle because apparenlty I'm 12 years old.

Anyway, yeah. My point: finding an apartment sucks and now I'm into it for 10 months and probably Josh will move in soon and that makes me nervous but it's something that should happen sooner or later so sooner is good? Or something.

I went the farm this weekend and it was lovely as usual. My Charlie is still the best of the puppy dogs. He and Golden Retriever Alf woke me up yesterday morning in their loving doggie ways. I don't know what it is about dogs but they seriously made me happy.

While I was there I read Life on Planet Rock by Lonn Friend. I first heard of this guy when he did segments on Headbangers Ball back in my early teenage years. He was good friends with GN'R and has some interesting stories to tell. Now, between that and hearing November Rain on the radio (well, actually it was half of November Rain. I realize the song is 9 minutes long and everything, but is it really necessary to cut it off in the middle of it and then play Your Body is a Suckland by John Mayersuck? That's just wrong.), I'm thinking about changing my idea for nano. The story I was going to write is a big idea and I might want to devote more than a month of writting in a flurry to it. But then again, I've done lots of stories that have a November Rain-ish feel to them and I probably need to branch out more. I am apparently completey unable to make a decision these days, other than on expensive tiny apartments.

I think I may be close to having diabetes. That is probably not a good thing.

I bought the Break Up on DVD because it had commentary from Jen and Vince on it. Wow, they seriously have no chemistry and it makes me sad. You'd think he would be funny and make her laugh the whole time but instead he makes serious comments on the movie like, "This is why he feels this way in this scene, and it really evolves the character in this way, and this is what I had in mind for this scene..."' SNORE. But seriously, that is one depressing movie. It's supposed to be all funny and stuff and it's like..sad.

I'm gonna go lie in the fetal position now.

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