about me

All this stuff I wrote to avoid writing my story for NaNoWriMo.

November 02, 2006

I haven't updated in forever and it's making me all twitchy.

So, it's Nano time again, yay! I am really going to try to make it this year. Like last year, I'm doing as much overtime as I can, and I also need to, like, start packing since I move before the end of the month, and I really should find time to work out, and blah blah blah. But I will do Nano and I will succeed this year because, damnit, what am I if I can't write a crappy novel in a month?!

Plus, it kinda means a little bit more than the past novels because I'm writing it for my grandmother. Before she died she always talked about sitting down with me and telling me her life story so I could write about it, and for some reason I just assumed she was just never gonna die so I kept putting it off. Ooops.

So this year is devoted to her and my mom's going to read the whole thing and probably cry for hours about it. So that's fun.

Other stuff...
- Halloween was okay. I actually had to leave in the middle of work because my eyeball was hurting in a very uncomfortable way. I went to the doctor and he told me it was either "an infection or glaucoma." He gave me eyedrops and when I used those just one time, it got better. So I guess I'll have to wait for glaucoma.

Then later I went to my mom's house because for a while we've had a tradition where I go there and help with the trick or treaters. We watched a little of Interview with the Vampire but I made her turn it off once the new episode of House came on. Mmm, House.

Her dog mauled me and good times were had by all.

- Last night I spent the night at Josh's and got started on the Nano love. I wrote 2,500 words yesterday without much problem. That is good.

- Speaking of Josh, I don't think he likes me much anymore. Even after I've told him 80 times that it bothers me that he doesn't bother calling me on days we don't see each other and I always end up calling him and moaning about how he doesn't call me, he STILL doesn't call me.

I mean, okay, next month we will have been together for a year, so I understand that sometimes there just isn't much to talk about. But I also enjoy hearing his voice in the middle of the day just to say hello, and I don't appreciate always having to call him just to get that out of him. Is that unreasonable? It's just really getting on my nerves. Because I'm annoying like that.

And yesterday we were all snippy at each other and we didn't even have sex! I mean, come on! Perhaps TMI, but we used to have sex about a billion times a week. Obviously things slow down after a while and truly, I don't even really want to have sex a billion times a week anymore. But when a day goes by and it's not even once, a girl has the right to complain!

- I need some Meridia.

- Tylenol PM is awesome.

- I really need to be writing right now and in fact, I am not.

- Work is exactly the same as it always is. I am still feeling the effects of not filling out that goddamn application so I could have my goddamn promotion by now, and the goddamn Wonder Twins are fucking driving me fucking crazy. (Sorry for the language but man, RAWR!)

My boss is out of town this week so what do the Twins of Wonder do? They're in his office acting as supervisor. I mean, is that really necessary? We all know they're in charge, can't they use their own stupid computers? I like both of them just fine, I even went to a halloween party at one of their apartments last weekend, but GRRR! I.have.been.there.longer.than.them. They have been trained on more stuff than I have and they know more and it's just really making me a Hulk-like angry. I mean...come on. Give me the promotion. I am awesome and I deserve it. Or something.

- Speaking of the Halloween party, it was fun for a while. But the 3 chicks that were there from the office are the three senior editors and they talked all about being senior editors and like I just wrote all about it, it drove me a little batshit crazy, especially to be talking about it at a fucking party.

I dressed up like House and people seemed to enjoy that. I really started to rely on my cane by the end of the night, it was a really awesome cane.

But as I looked back on the night I wondered if I did okay socially or if I was one of those annoying people that everyone just wanted to leave. I mean, first of all, the evite thingie said the party started at 7. I don't get out that much so I didn't know that "7" actually means "10:15." I got there at 7:15, was the first one there, and then when I left at midnight, the first one to leave, I felt totally lame. But the host chick actually broke out the ABSINTHE and I'm quite sorry but I just...didn't really want to be around people drinking absinthe. So I bailed and that's my one party experience for the whole year. I think I'm lame.

- I miss Ali-Kat. I haven't talked to her since May, when she went to Colorado, and I don't know how to get in touch with her. I might have to find her parents' number and bother them a little bit. I'm just kinda freaked out that she hasn't tried to contact me in any way and my thoughts are kinda going in the direction of those things you don't want to happen to your best friends, as in death, mainly.

- It's really cold in Dallas today. Like right now, it's 48 degrees. That's cold! Brrr!

- My dad said that my Charlie got in a fight and he's all messed up and had to go to the doctor and get bandaged and everything. If I saw him right now I'd probably cry like a little school girl. I can't handle seeing my doggie all sickly-like, uh-uh. My poor baby.

That is all. I DEFINITELY should be writing right now but that's what the weekend is for, right?

Alrighty then.

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