about me

Sick, tickely, and bank boyfriends.

January 07, 2005

I haven't written for a few days because I've just been all sick and yucky, and nobody wants to hear from the sick and yucky.

Just between you and me, it's a miracle I didn't kill anyone on the highways in the past couple of days. Falling asleep while driving is never a good way to go.

I hate that I've been sick, I really do. I already got sick a few months ago, then there was the food poisoning, and blah blah blah. I blame it on the fact that I take such shitty care of my body, although I would like to think that I can also partially blame it on the craptastic Texas weather. Yesterday it was in the 20's, tomorrow it'll be in the 70's.

And now, ever since I sprayed some Afrin up my nose, it's been all tickely and it's driving me insane because I can't do anything about it! Damn you, Afrin!


I am as intruiged as ever by my bank boyfriend, Mike. I saw him on Wednesday and we had a flirty little exchange. I was all, "So how's it hangin?" And he got this weird look on his face, so then I was all, "Or this that too personal a question?" And he said, "Not for you... maybe for someone else." Okay then.

I told my roommate about our exchanges and she said I just just give him my friggin number. When I protested about how they tell you in "He's Just Not That Into You" 101 that you should never do that, she brought up the point that he's at WORK, and his boss probably wouldn't think it's cool if he gives his number to every cute female who walks in. She has a point. It looks like that ball is back in my court again.

We got to talking a little on Wednesday and I found out that he lives really pretty close to me. I'm just fascinated by this flirtation. I'm fascinated by the smile he gets when I walk in. It's a very... different situation for me, one that I'm definitely not used to. We'll see, I guess.

Speaking of boys, Sunday should bring the return of Church Boy. It's been 3 weeks, so.. I've kinda let him drop out of my mind a little. But I know once I seem him again, it'll all come back to me.

But he's been back in town for 2 days now and he STILL HASN'T CALLED! He never called me and he said he would and he didn't! Blah blah busy blah.

I want a new boy in my life. I want new kisses and hand holding and staying up all night talking about our lives! Is that too much to ask?



CSI was good last night. I don't understand how I used to have it so bad for Billy Petersen.. he's quite attractive, yes, but I was like... obsessed with the man.

Speaking of TV shows, I couldn't sleep on Wednesday because I kept dreaming about The West Wing. That would have been normal back in my West Wing obsession days, but now? Come on! Let me move on with my life!

Also speaking of TV shows, I am undertaking my yearly "Watch every single episode of My So Called Life" task. So far, it's going well. I'm watching every single second, trying to figure out why I just can't get over this show. I will have a full report once I've watched all 19 episodes. I know you're looking forward to that.


I hope to go to the farm tomorrow.


I haven't seen Matt in a month. I just thought that I should let you know that.


My nose is still tickely. It is seriously driving me fricking insane.


a year ago...
"So. I have a place to live! In Dallas! Not just outside of Dallas, not in Denton, not in Austin, but in DALLAS. NORTH Dallas, where I was born and raised, beyotch. It's exactly where I wanted to live, too. That's not all, though! I also have a roomate. I met her through, which I would suggest if you're looking for that sort of thing."

2 years ago...
"While he and Scott and this other chick talked about it at lunch, I just kinda sat there and ate chips and salsa. It's totally shallow of me, but I just can't find it in myself to be sympathetic to other people's relationship dramas right now. I mean, first of all, the dude needs to move on. He wasn't going out with the girl anyway, he just wanted her back. And second, I was obsessing over my own situation and other such things."

3 years..
"We had to go around the room and introduce ourselves, and I said, "Hi, I'm Elizabeth, and I'm obsessed with Axl Rose." I just wanted them all to know that from the start, and I think between me telling them that and the GN'R concert T shirt I was wearing, they got the point. Well! It's an important thing to know about me!"

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