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Going postal is fun!

March 23, 2006

From my guestbook...
You must be so proud Liz, to have an unemployed, pot smoking, living at home loser as a boyfriend. So do you buy his pot or does his mommy and daddy? Nice to see you have absolutely no standards in life. But I guess that's good, then you can't be disappointed.

You know, any other day I'd probably laugh this off and just delete the stupid entry, but today? I'm having a bad day and I hate pretty much everybody, so you know what? Fuck you, "Lurker." Who the hell do you think you are to fucking have a commentary on my life?

Yeah, my boyfriend is unemployed right now. He lives with his parents. He does tend to smoke a lot of pot. So fucking what? What made you think, when you're reading my goddamn diary, that you can just say whatever the hell you want and it's okay? You don't know anything. Nothing.

I don't really know why he's not employed. He worked for his dad in construction for a long time but then his dad retired. He didn't go to college, yet he's really very intelligent and knows a lot of things about a lot of stuff. He's kinda stuck in a place right now where he doesn't want to do manual labor anymore, yet he doesn't have a degree so it's hard to get a job that he really deserves. I admit that's not a really good reason not to have any job, but whatever. Is a person's worth devalued just because they don't get up everyday to make money? He does a lot of shit around the house for his parents, who are older and can't do a lot for themselves.

As for the pot? You know, for a really long time I've been judgmental of people who like to get high on a daily basis. But you know what? It works for him. It's his thing. He doesn't do it to be cool or to fit in or just for the sake of "doing drugs," he does it because he just wants to. So fucking what? Who are you to judge him for that? Fuck off.

As for having standards, wouldn't you want to be with someone who spends hours in the kitchen making your favorite food and then cleans up while you sit around and watch American Idol? Wouldn't you want someone that you have the absolute most amazing sex ever with? Wouldn't you want someone who will wake up at 6:30 in the morning when you leave to go to work to walk you to your car and give you morning breath kisses? Wouldn't you want to be with someone who you know loves you totally and completely and you know would do absolutely anything for you? Wouldn't you want to be with someone who sends you a text message in the middle of the day that simply says "I love you!" Well, I fucking do want to be with this person. If you don't? Great. More for me. I don't want to hear about it.

I was in a relationship for 5 years with someone who would not do any of the things I just mentioned. Give me a goddamn break if I want to be with someone who loves me as much as I love them. He's a good guy, he's in a transitional period in his life, who are you to judge? Who are you to be a "lurker" and not leave any kind of intelligent comment, and for that matter, any way of contacting your sorry ass? What makes you think you can just come in here and try to make me feel like shit just to make your awful self feel better? What is it? Do you have mommy issues? Did your parents treat you badly growing up so now your main way of feeling good about yourself is to make others feel bad?

Fuck off.

Can anyone tell I had a bad day at work?

As for everyone else, you all rock and I like you and I hope everyone is doing well and rock on with you.

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