about me

This is what I do when I work overtime.

April 24, 2006

Argh, overtime! I enjoy getting my paychecks with the overtime, but when it's 6:15 at night and I've been here since 7 in the morning, I start to wonder if the money's really worth it. It usually is. So what if I sorta kinda have to be a workaholic? At least I rock ass at my job, beyotch.

Anyway. Excuse me, I'm delusional at this moment.

So yesterday, I met Natalie at Starbucks and we had our "last hurrah." She is moving to California, where she has no job and a house with 2 roommates that she hasn't met yet and is going to live in a 9 by 9 foot room. But I'm excited for her...she just wants to get the shit out of Dallas and I don't blame her for that. But yeah, it was kinda sad. But I wasn't really losing a friend in Dallas, I'm gaining a friend in Newport Beach! Yeah, man.

When I got there she was already with this really cheesy-looking dude who apparently won a gold medal in the Olympics for wrestling. THAT was impressive but HE was not. He told this whole story about something like beer frisbee or something. Whatever.

I know this will drive certain people in my life crazy if they read this particular entry, but still, it happened exactly a year (and one day) ago and it should be documented:

Me: Hi and stuff.
Matt: Hi! I have something unsettling to tell you.
Me: Okay.
Matt: Jennifer and I have moved to boyfriend/girlfriend status and she has requested that I don't see you.
Me: Okay.
Me: I pretty much knew that.
Me: But.. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you're happy and stuff.
Matt: Thank you. That means a lot.

it still hurts. So much.

So, fuck 'em.

There's not much else I can say about the situation that hasn't already been said, so I'll just say this again: Fuck 'em.

In other news, I kinda feel like I'm taking advantage of Josh sometimes. Like, I kinda made him mop my floor at my apartment on Saturday. While I listened to the radio and ate the pancakes and sausage he brought to me in bed. Well! I promise, it's really not as bad as it sounds.

It's like...I pay for stuff and he does all the physical labor. Is it wrong that I like it that way? I'd rather be lazy and be cooked and cleaned for than like, have stuff paid for me or something. I just feel bad about it. He doesn't seem to mind, though. I am a terrible, horrible person.

Also, I have a yeast infection and it SUCKS! Fuck you, yeast!

That is all.


"But don't call Tracy Gold and the Lifetime Movie of the Week yet...

"You know things are bad when the chick at Subway asks what the hell is wrong with you."

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