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More myspace musings

November 30, 2005

I should totally just be fired right now because I've spent all morning on MySpace. This is going to be a problem and I'm really going to have to find a way to not be so retardedly addicted to it. And I comitted the sin of actually finding Matt Two on there and seeing that he put "in a relationship" on his profile. I now join the legions of millions of females who regret finding out information they didn't want to know about males. Damn, they work fast out there in Arizona. But man, how am I supposed to know he's "in a relationship" when he's writing borderline porn emails to me? Geebus lordy. space proved to be valuable after all, as I finally found Him. Yes, that's right, Him. Ryan. My Jordan Catalano. The boy that I used to think is my soulmate, even though I don't really believe in soulmates.

You guys don't even understand...I lost touch with him a few years ago, lost his number, and since then have been looking all over for the guy. He's on fucking myspace! He looks like...100% different and also seems to like to smoke and drink a lot, but hey, so do all my ex-boyfriends, I guess it's what I'm attracted to.

I know nothing will happen with us, nor do I really particularly want it to. I've just always been kind of intruiged by him, our whole thing has always been really strange and mysterious. But this time I am determined to not get caught up in it. Yeah, it's Ryan. But it's also 11 years later and it's time to grow up and get over it.

By the way, this is me. I will so add you to my friends because I realize myspace is a popularity contest and a great way to stalk people. I feel dirty.

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