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Green banks, Fred Sanford, and job instability

March 30, 2005

Random things that have nothing to do with each other:

- I haven't watched much of American Idol this season, but I tuned in last night, and damn! I want to marry Constantine and have about 1,000 babies with him. If Bo wants to join in for a little man sandwich action, that's cool too. Them some very sexy boys.

- Something that is fastly turning into one of my biggest pet peeves is people who talk on their cell phones at the gym. I just hate people who do that! Can't you put the phone away for the hour or so you're there?

- Speaking of the gym, I am there a lot lately. I've been putting in some crazy hours there, and it feels really, really good. I did 1.76 miles on the treadmill yesterday! Which is not so good for most people, but really good for my big ass.

But something I've learned over the years of being a gym rat.. I can work my ass off and spend 2 hours a day at the gym and tone stuff and keep myself from looking like a gigantic blob of mush, but nothing but eating right is going to take away this stomach of mine. I hate that. I hate it more than I hate homeless people who have dogs, and that's a lot.

But, hey! I think my body is finally realizing that, "Hmm. She's working out almost everyday, she isn't ordering pizza, she hasn't had Freebirds in a week, she's drinking tons of water and isn't drinking Dr. Pepper like it's a natural earth resource. Maybe she's actually serious this time!"

So, that's good.

- I'm watching my Stand By Me DVD and it has a little documentary featuring everyone who was a major part of it, and it was done recently, so everyone's grown up now. *sigh* Poor River.

Anyway, it rocks. I love this movie. It's making me think hardcore about Amanda, because we watched it about 100 times in a row once.

Incidentally, I love Stephen King.

- Boys.

I know it's stupid, but that damn bank. That stupid building that's lit up in green in the night sky. It's always there, less than a mile from my apartment, as a reminder as to how I failed miserably at my first "adult" relationship.

Yeah, I know, I know. He had a major part in it, too. But there was a lot of things I could have done better. Signs I could have seen. Ways I could have acted. Things I could have done. I guess it just wasn't destined to work out no matter what I did, but.. it still sucks, and I still think about it, although not nearly as much as before.

But man, that bank. It's where I met him, it's where he gave me his number, it's where everything started. I'm considering moving.

- Work. Work is.. unsettling. We had a disturbing "town meeting" kind of conference call situation today. Basically, our company isn't doing so well. We used to be almost the only company who do what we do, but now there's tons of competitors and lalala.

The director guy, at one point, said, "Someone asked me if they should start looking for something else. Well, you'll have to figure that out on your own. I'M staying, though." Is that a bad sign? Do they realize that it took me TWO YEARS to find this job?

I don't feel good about job stability, but I will do whatever I can to show them that I am an asset to the company. To do this, I will try really hard not to be sucked into Co-worker's incessant chattering. I don't know why she is still employed at this job, to tell you the truth. She spends at least 2 hours a day talking or surfing the internet or being late because of traffic... it's maddening, really. I don't know how she gets any work done. Apparently she's good at what she does.

I've been doing a lot of Sanford & Son's lately, I think because nobody else really likes to do them. Fred Sanford still makes me laugh like a total idiot. I can't help it.

Um, this entry is a lot longer than I intended it to be.

For a fun ironic comment of the day, from 2 years ago...
"I am watching Mystery Alaska with the sound off right now. Because really, that's all you need. And there's closed captioning! Isn't that cool?!"

I'm tired.

2 years ago...
"What if I have to live my life without him?"

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