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A little sex, anyone?

January 20, 2005

Oh man.. I know I can listen to Don't Cry, the alternate version, any single time I want, but to hear it on AOL's radio really makes me feel all squishy inside. Man alive, do I love this song. Sing it, Axl! *swoon*

You know things are getting interesting in your life when you tell your boss that you think one of the clients is hot, and she says, "Oh, you're just getting horny."

Well, yes. But fuck, can you blame me?! I'm 25, cute, and single! I've been with the same guy for 27 million years, and now this young strapping man who's half italian and A LOT HOT comes along and well, there may not be a whole lot of pure thoughts going on in my head right now. Supposedly we will be hanging out tonight, and maybe there will be some touching. We talked on the phone for 35 minutes yesterday and he said that when I came to the bank yesterday, I "looked hotter than he's ever seen me look".. I mean, hello! Flattery will get you everywhere, people.

I really dig that about him. He's hardcore. He's not afraid to tell me what's really on his mind. Matt did that too, but it was always in a very calculating way, meant to get inside your head and mindfuck you until you can't stand it anymore. Mike is pure and genuine and really a little bit weird. I told him last night that he might have met his weird match, because I'm just a little bit kooky, and so is he. He also has the biggest potty mouth of anyone I've ever met, and I'm sorry to say that I really dig that for some reason. I know that I'm the biggest walking contradiction in the world.. by day I'm a lovely church-going citizen. By night, I'm a horny twentysomething who's starting to get really excited about naughty things. I just think that's what makes me fascinating! Muahahaha. It's also a little sad, I guess. But hey.. who needs morals when you're dating a really cute guy? I'm so flustered by this guy that I looked my roommate out of the apartment last night. It could have been a lot worse, but still! I locked her out! There is something wrong with me.

For a while, I really liked me some Church Boy, and I wanted that to work out. But I also felt that if we had something going on, I'd probably try to corrupt him from his nice Churchy values, and that probably wouldn't have worked out. So.. I'm just going in the other direction now, if you don't mind.

Incidentally, the 20th is a very important day in the history of my lifetime. I was just going to skip documenting it this year because it's just not that important anymore, but since it is an Inaugeration year, and because I've documented it for the past 3 years, I'll just come out with it:

On this date 8 years ago, I lost my virginity. It was the day of Bill Clinton's second inaugeration, and we had the day off from school. Josh's dad drove him to my house, we ate McDonalds, and then we had us the sex. So very romantic, I know.

Also, on this date TWELVE years ago, my very first boyfriend asked me out. TWELVE YEARS AGO. That doesn't make me feel old. At all.

I want to say more, but this entry is already one of the most sexually intensive entries I've written in like, years. Let me just say this: I've started taking my birth control pills again. Yes, as my roommate says.. I'm a whore. I also find it amusing that we briefly talked last night about me coming to his apartment, but it was like 11:00 and probably not a very good idea. I'm amused by that because even if Matt asks me to come over at 9:00 at night, I say I'm tired or I'll make up some other excuse just so I can get to bed on time. But when Mike brings it up.. oh yeah, I'll be there.

Speaking of Matt, I'm starting to lose track of when the last time I talked to him was. I think it was.. a week ago. Which is really weird, since in the 7 years we've known each other we've never gone a whole week without talking. I think he knows something is up. Maybe he happened to sneak a peek at this here journal. Maybe he can just sense it. Whatever it is, he's avoiding me. That's fine, but I really want to have that final closure conversation. It would be really soothing and empowering, but I can't bring myself to initiate it. I'm a weenie. But at least I'm even thinking about that conversation, and in the past, that wasn't even an option.

Arrgh! Mike just text messaged me. At 11:30 in the morning! I am wanted.

In completely different news:
- Zach Braff hasn't updated his blog in a month, and it's making me sad.
- I had Freebirds last night. It was good and tasty.
- I've been so very very bored at work lately. What I should be doing is starting my novel and working on that in the down time, but I just haven't yet. Because.. I suck.
- This is amusing to me today. I am a feminine salad buffet who loves to hoard Mexico. I'm also a questionable Sea Captain who loves to hump Wile E Coyote. What are you?
- Want to know what pain is? Getting your eyebrows plucked while having to listen to a Matchbox 20 song.

That is all. Go forth and be merry.

2 years ago...
"Awwww. Lovely. Isn't young love just so beautiful?"

3 years ago..
"My 80 year aunt who's not really my aunt got a speeding ticket the other day. She was going 50 in a 35! Good lord! Where the hell is she going in such a hurry? To another game of bridge?! Slow down, woman!"

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