about me

working girl and the triplets

November 19, 2006

I would like to note that this week, Thanksgiving week, 10 years ago was when Josh and I first got together. We hadn't met yet, mind you, but we sure did like each other on the phone.

That week was definitely a weird one. Up until that point, we had a love/hate relatonship for at least 3 or 4 months. He liked me a lot but I wasn't that interested, mostly because our phone calls almost always ended with a fight. And we hadn't even met yet! We were just friends! We met online! Like dorks!

But then on Monday, my friend's mom took me home, but before she dropped me off, she went to the miniature doll store and spent, like, hours there. When I got home, my mom was worried and said that Josh was also worried, he had called a few times wondering where I was. And I don't know, I just thought that was sweet. And then my feelings got gooey. And that week consisted of confessing feelings, consenting to "going out" with him, confessing that I had fallen in love with him, his house partially burning down (not related but interesting anyway), and me having to tell Scott that, hey, I know we're dating but I'm kind of in love with this other guy now.

It was a really long week.

I've told that story before here in this universe, but never quite so lovingly. Things change, you see.

We're doing okay right now. Everything is nice and lovely and yesterday I watched not only Star Trek: Generations but 3 straight episodes of Battlestar Gallatica. I am geeking out with my boyfriend and damnit, I like it.

Today I would like to tell you about 2 really good movies, because I am at work and what fun is it to actually work?

First of all, Working Girl. I've been a fan of this movie for a very long time, and today I get to work on it! Yay. Just, like, everything about it is awesome. Melanie Griffith is just the best. I think Antonio Banderas must have stolen her soul or something, because was she in anything good after this movie? The answer is no, friends. Except for Now and Then. I like that movie. Josh likes it even more than I do. I don't know why, I don't ask questions.

Also, when Harrison Ford takes off his shirt in the office and then all the ladies clap? I'm not the biggest Harrison Ford fan, but wow, that's a lovely scene.

ALSO! When they're at the meeting with Trask and he tells her he loves her for the first time, that's good stuff, too.

Working Girl makes me happy.

Also, Stranger than Fiction. I enjoyed that movie immensely, maybe because I'm knee deep in Nano right now (28,000 and rising!) and I liked the premise. But it completely captivated me and by the end I even bought Will Ferrell and Maggie Gyllenhall as a couple. They're cute!

So, yeah. Good times.

Also, I've been very hopeless addicted to TwOP for a couple of years now. I have spent many productive hours at work at this happy place.

There was a thread started a while ago called "The Pros and Cons of Closed Captioning". I, of course, am an active participant in the thread because I happen to know a little something about that myself.

Yesterday, I was looking at it and saw this comment from someone:
I don't know if anyone watches the cartoon Drawn Together on Comedy Central but somebody had a blast with the captions the episode for this past week. I'd tivo'd it and thought either somebody is holding a grudge or they were having fun with captions or my tv is really messed up.

There is a scene when the character Princess Clara says "I'm sure this is one of God's classic bloopers like nipple rings or Rachel Ray's face." The caption had substitited Lisa Kudrow's name for Rachel Ray. The other said "Whats the matter satan? Tired yourself out inventing foreskin, salsa and Rachel Ray's face?" The caption substituted ACLU for Rachel Ray.

Now I understand that the writers over at Comedy Central have a thing against Rachel Ray, but those were big substitutions!

You know what? I totally did that episode of Drawn Together. And this is the suck that happens sometimes when you work on a show-they change the lines and don't bother changing the captions. I mean, do you really think I could make up something like foreskin and salsa and Rachael Ray? In the show, they didn't even say Rachael Ray, they said Lisa Kudrow!

I was just greatly amused that my own captions were being called out in a thread that I happen to frequent. It kind of made my day, actually.

In more stupid pop culture news, I think I complete made up that traumatic incident in Twin Peaks where Laura Palmer opens her eyes for a split second on the autopsy table. I watched the pilot and it wasn't there. I really want to know what the hell I've been thinking about for the past 16 years when I think of that scene. I'm weird, and I make things up! Fun.

Um, Axl Rose still needs to fucking come here so I can fucking see him.

Trying not to be too bitter at work although the Wonder Triplets are all here today and talking among themselves like the triplets tend to do. When my, um, time of the month is over, I'm going to go to the HR chick and talk to her about what I have to do to fucking get a fucking promotion. I want one. I am waiting until after my, um, time, because if I don't I will go in there and cry, cry like the wind. And nobody wants to see that.

My boss reviewed a show I did and he only had 3 notes about it, but those notes kinda plagued me a little and I kept thinking about it before I went to sleep on Friday. Rawr.

That is all. Yay Thanksgiving and such. Tomorrow I'm going to this fancy dinner with all the damn relatives in the world so I'm gonna get dressed all fancy and it'll be fantastic. Then I'm taking Friday and Monday off 'cause I'm moving on Monday. Moving sucks. Having an apartment on the first floor decidely does not suck.


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