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Twin Peaks and glass intestines

November 15, 2006

So today I have come face to face with two of my childhood's biggest pop culture traumas. And it sounds lame, but omg, it's kinda freakin' me out.

First of all, I was working on the movie Ghost. Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze, sex during pottery, Patrick dies, Whoopi Goldberg and Demi touch each other, whatevs. But the way Tony Goldwyn dies? With a sheet of class right into his intestines? When I first saw that (and it was made in 1990 so I was 10 years old), I had a really intense nightmare. And I just might have another one tonight because seriously? That shit is fucking horrifying. AND THEY KEPT SHOWING THE GLASS AND THE BLOOD AND THE NASTY!

Right now I'm working on Twin Peaks. I don't know why this show tramuatized me when I was younger, but just hearing that spooky, haunting background music seriously gives me the chills. Like, it's almost too much for me and I'm almost thinking of asking not to do this show again. I just know that one of the scariest things I've ever seen is when Laura Palmer is on the autopsy table and she opens her eyes for one second, then closes them again.


I'm about to finish this show and go home, which is a good thing because it'll be almost 4 hours of overtime. Crazy, yes, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Which includes working on my Nano when I get home. I'm behind by at least 5,000 words (I'm at 20,000 now!) because it's more time consuming than I thought. First of all, I kind of have to research the time it was in and what the hell my grandmother would have been doing during that time. And I find myself calling my mom all the time asking her what the hell happened at this point in her life.

I would explain this more, but that's for another entry. Basically it's about my grandmother's life and how she loved to not ever tell the truth. It's awesome. But it's difficult because she never really DID tell the truth and I'm finding myself have to fill in a lot of gaps. Which is fine, it is fiction, after all.

So yay for Nano! I am finding it a little overwhelming with having to fit in my packing, working, socializing, etc. with writing, but I will make it work, damnit!

Also, I found out that my glorius Toffee Nut Latte has 210 calories. That's not bad! It could be more!

I really should be working but God, that music in Twin Peaks just...makes my skin crawl.

That is all.

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