about me

Word vomit everywhere!

December 11, 2006

I haven't written in about 33 years and I am very sorry about that. Stuff has happened. Not a lot of interesting stuff, but has that ever stopped me before? *insert evil laugh here*

I've been getting used to my new apartment. I like it lots except for the fact my cell phone absolutely refuses to have reception here. Damn you, Sprint! I even bought a new cell phone to see if that would help and um no. But I really like my new phone! I was going to get a Katana 'cause they're pretty, but co-worker Beverly had one and she showed it to me and she really didn't like it much at all. So yay for no Katana.

I like the location, but there's no really no short way to or from work. I thought I was moving closer and maybe it is a little closer, but there's no direct route, like a highway and everything, to the office. Which sucks and I have to leave a little earlier than before, but good times.

Oh, and I can't seem to unpack on a timely basis. I have officially been here for 2 whole weeks now and I still have like 15 boxes in the corner waiting to unsheath themselves. I'm working on it. As soon as I'm done watching last week's Studio 60, I'm on it. BTW, I heart Studio 60 and I don't care if nobody else does. It's quality TV, damnit!

My father is a lovely and generous man. He's also borderline alcoholic and an asshole. But to show his lovely and generous side, he gave me my christmas money early and as such, I have been buying Christmas presents. Mostly online, as I have figured out I no longer have any tolerance for people. It's a good thing to figure out, I suppose.

But Amazon and Barnes and Noble have gotten most of my patronage so far. How I love me some online shopping. It's shopping without humans involved!

Saturday is me and Josh's one year anniversary. Time sure flies when you're having gigantic fights every couple of weeks. It's nice that we've made it this far. I'd like the next year to be a little more free of conflict. Yeah, that'd be nice.

I'm still obsessed with this website. I don't know why. It consumes me on a daily basis. If they didn't update it so goddamn much maybe I could find something else to consume myself with. Bastards!

Well, let's see. I eat like a pig and I haven't so much as looked at a gym in about 2 months now. There is nothing on my body that I like right now. It's all huge. Even my fingers have a pudge factor and it's not pleasant. I meant to take December and work out everyday, but all this stuff keeps happening and I'm procrastinating and I'm just going to have to be like everyone else and start working out in January. I know, I know, but like...what's the point of working out once or twice a week and not getting any results? I will start in January and be diligent and good and damnit 2007 will be the year of the weight loss. Seriously.

What I have learned is that apparently, when I am in a serious relationship, I just don't care about what I look like. Because if Josh doesn't like me looking like a Marshmallow Woman, then he sucks for being so shallow, right? At least that's the way my fat ass is telling me to think.

It's like that with a lot of things, though. It's like as soon as he and I are in the same room together, I let go of things like "common sense." My brain's all "ooh, it's a MAN, he'll take care of it for me!" And I know how weird that is but I've noticed that it's kind of a pattern. And I definitely need to do something about that. And going to the gym is something that will happen. In January. Unless I...keep making excuses.

I'm taking a million days off from work over Christmas and I'm excited about that, although things might be looking up on that front soon. For some completely unknown reason, one of our supervisors, who has incidentally been at the company for 25 YEARS, was demoted. And now a supervisor position will open. I'm not qualified for that, but the position under the supervisor will supposedly also open and that will finally be my cue to be what I fucking deserve already. If this doesn't happen by the end of next week, that will just be bad. I should check on that, actually.

Also, we're doing a lot of wrestling and I took on this whole extravaganza from 1985 at Madison Square Garden. Jesse "the Body" Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon were doing to commentary and man, they had such awesome chemistry. I don't know why I felt like commentating on that but it's important for you to know.

Also, the Princess Diaries 2 made me cry. And I'm completely fascinated by Anne Hathaway. She's gorgeous and I can completely buy her as a princess. Oh, and I just shed a little happy tear because on Studio 60, Danny just told Jordan, "I'm coming for you, Jordan." Oh, swoon. And Matt and that chick had a nice little kiss, too. *swoon* I am so easily entertained.

Also, my dad took me to see the Rockettes. I was fascinated by the scene where everyone dressed as animals and midgets were dressed like snowmen. I liked it. A lot. And also, they had this live nativity scene with camels and sheep, and now I want sheep. They were cute! So very cute.

Also, I miss my Austin girls. But that's a completely different subject.

I need to unpack.

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