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Fascinations with redheads

December 20, 2006

I have strange fascinations with things right now. Two things I am currently fascinated with/by:
1. Reba McEntire
2. Walruses

Well, I have worked on quite a few episodes of Reba and I kinda really like it a lot. It's a guilty pleasure, you could say, because it's not really "cool" to like Reba around here. I dunno why, the show takes place in Texas and all. But it makes me happy.

And her music is good, okay?! I watched a whole video countdown on CMT with her videos and was just really fascinated by it all. I think I'm just easily fascinated by people with red hair. Bette Midler, Reba, Josh, Angela Chase, golden retreivers. That's kinda weird, actually. Wheee, red hair!

As for walruses, Josh and I watch this show on Animal Planet called "Growing up Walrus." It featured this little guy called Nareus from the Indianapolis zoo, and OMG. He was the cutest ever. And now I want a walrus in a big way. I am hoping someone will give me a walrus for Christmas, in fact. Anyone? Anyone?

See, he's cute:


I just seem to be going through an animal phase all around, I think. Like, for a long time I've been all "Whoo, I like puppies!" but right now all I want to do is find me some puppies and snuggle with them all day long. It's not really my fault...everywhere I go, someone has a puppy that loves me. Josh has his boston terriers and my mom has Tonto the black lab and my dad has Alf the golden retreiver and Ally the pit bull mix, and they're all lovey and fun and pretty and I guess I become a toddler in their presence.

And, like, last night I finally met my neighbor. She's all kinds of hot, but I digress. We introduced ourselves and she said if I had any questions, feel free to ask. And like a 6 year old, I asked her if she knew the person who lived on the top floor and what that person's dog's name was. Actually, I said, "Do you know the name of the doggy that lives up there?" *pointing* And she said, "Why, is he bothering you?" And I'm all, "No, it's cute!" So, great. Now my neighbor probably thinks I'm about 12 years old. But she also might be the kind of nice person who thinks everyone is nice and doesn't care that I am slightly mentally retarded. She just seems like a lovely gal, really.

In summation: I like puppies.

In other news, I hate that whole thing you go through once a month when you're a chick and stuff. Yeah. What I do like is that for the first time in my life, it's actually completely regular now. It seems to happen around 10:00 on Mondays. Around 9:30 this Monday I was sort of freaking out because I didn't have any cramps and I was all "No no no, don't want red headed babies, no no no!" But having premarital sex is all good and well for me, it seems, as I am not having redheaded babies anytime soon. Yay.

That was a very disturbing paragraph, but I'm done now. You can keep reading.

I am done with my Christmas shopping, which is good since I'm leaving for Utah on Saturday. Man, that airport is going to be one big clusterfuck. The Saturday before Christmas? I fear for my life. Anyway, last Thursday I went to Denton to see my mom, but first I shopped my ass off. I did buy a lot of stuff for myself at Lane Bryant, but I also got lots of things for others, mostly at Best Buy and Barnes and Noble. People will be happy with their gifts, I think.

This is really boring but I am currently trying to avoid working on a show with characters that look like this:

*shivers uncontrollably*

Things I need to do today:
- Get more pills!
- Find my iPod cord thing
- Get my eyebrows waxed
- Finish this godforsaken show I'm working on
- Clean out my car
- Your mom.

Um, that's all, I suppose.

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