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My third novel.. aren't you proud?

November 22, 2004

It is not without pride that I announce my new word count:


Awww yeah. I have now completed my THIRD novel. I RULE!

The end of my story goes a little like this..

Optimist or not, you have to know how this story ends for me. I don�t surprise, and I don�t disappoint.

Isn't that nice? Doesn't it bring a tear to your eye?

I felt like I had to finish it tonight so I didn't disappoint Church Boy tomorrow night when he asks if I finished it or not. Seriously! Tonight all I wanted to do was sleep away my sickness, but instead I sucked it up and went to Starbucks to write. I wrote 6,206 words tonight! In like, 2 hours!

Here's a link to my story. I'll post the last chapters in the morning. I know you're holding your breath.

Is it weird that the first thing I did when I finished was call Matt? Yeah. It's weird. I know.

My next project is to write the novel I've been wanting to write for 2 years now. I will do it. It's not that hard, really! But I'm terrified that I'm going to do it wrong and it'll come out the wrong way and I won't be able to sell it and then somehow my dream of becoming a novelist won't work out, and that's not good because I'm kind of counting on that to happen at some point in my life.


On a completely different subject, my body obviously has a strange pattern going on that it has somehow failed to communicate with me. Apparently, I now get sick bi-yearly at the exact same time, early summer and late fall. Seriously! My entry from exactly a year ago details the exact same state of sickness I'm in now. And earlier this summer, I got sick pretty much the exact time of last summer. I find that fascinating, really! What is it about November 22nd and late June that makes my body all sickly-like?

I know that's not interesting to anyone else but me. Bite me.

I'm going to take some Motrin and go to bed. Hey! Rock on.

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