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Grilled cheese, blue Monday and disconcerting primal lust

January 23, 2007

I just looked at the freshly given Oscar nominations, and can I just say that I hated Little Miss Sunshine? I laughed a few times but other than that, I really did not enjoy it. It made me feel all..yucky. The little girl doing the striptease dance at the pageant and then all the members of her family joining her? Yeah, not so much with that movie. *cringes*

In other news, blah blah blah. Mother Nature unleashed her stupid wrath last week and I did not do well with her presence. First of all, we had a week straight of rain and sleet and ice. We all know I am a fan of rain, but no so much when it rains a whole week and there's ice everywhere and the whole city panics and goes fucking insane. And then there was the fact that it was also my time of the month, uh-huh. So with the ice and the cramps and all that implied, I just had no desire to do anything but go to work, come home and watch countless reruns of Reba.

Speaking of Reba, Lifetime has the most irritating and repetetive commercials ever. Like, the one for Gray's Anatomy where she's all, "That's one of us down there. The FIRST one of us." Oh, yeah? The first what? The first person? "Cause there were lots of people before that guy.

Well, it makes sense in my head.

Also, this. Oh, I was feeling that Blue Monday yesterday, from the second I woke up when my alarm went off, and for all the reasons that link lists. I hate January. I always seem to be in such a mood in January. That could be a problem.

Yesterday I got to work on Dallas. The theme song for that show makes me happy. And the credits are fun 'cause you can see what Dallas used to look like before it sold out and everything.

Urm, what else? Saturday was me and Josh's 10 year virginity anniversary! Isn't that fun? I've documented that day the past 6 years in this here diary, so I thought it was worth a mention. It wasn't as special as last year, where he made enchiladas and we watched the 40 Year Old Virgin, but it's still kind of a fun thing to be with the person you shared that particular moment with back in the day.

It came at a good time, too, 'cause man was I wantin' to celebrate that after my time of the month was over. 'Cause, you know, for 3 weeks out of the month I'm lovely and normal and all, "La la la, I have a boyfriend, he is nice, sex is good, la la la." But that one week out of the month, which you just know is his favorite, I'm all, "Why isn't he CALLING ME?! I LOVE HIM! Kissy kissy LOVE LOVE LOVE! CALL ME NOWWW!!!" And then when it's all over I'm so damn horny I can barely see straight.

Also, today I met him at Fry's so I could whip out the credit card for fun things, and he was there with his friend and looking, is I think the word I'm looking for. And he smelled good and like, this primal feeling of all consuming lust fell over me and I just wanted to haul him into the bathroom and have my way with him. I'm sure when we were teenagers we wouldn't have thought twice, but thankfully we've kinda developed just a little class.

But the point is, I felt the same way 10 years ago and it catches me off guard every single time. I'm just so very attracted to him, always so very attracted. It's a nice feeling, you know? It's...different. And disconcerting. And sometimes annoying. But when it all builds up and then there's the sex and we both collapse on the bed afterwards, not able to talk, barely able to's nice. myself a little worked up there.

Anyway, that was too much information if I've ever seen it.

So my relationship is doing awesomely and we haven't even had a fight of any importance in maybe months. But while that is doing well, work is...blah. First of all, no overtime this week 'cause there's not enough work. Which sucks in its own right because...I have no money. I had a whole lot of money at this time last month and now I just don't. I am a little ashamed of how fast I went through it all, but at least I bought some nice presents for people and some fun things for myself, as well. I just wish I saved a little. My bad.

Three things I'm really into right now:
a. grilled cheese sandwiches (seriously, like, everyday)
b. Howard Stern on Sirius. I've been listening to him since I was 13, but there have been long gaps where he wasn't available to me. But once I got Sirius and heard him uncensored, it was kinda like the first time you see the South Park movie - it's shocking at first! But then I got over it and I really enjoy me some Howard.
c. The West Wing. Again.

Anyway, I have decided I have a nemesis at work. Did you know that if you scrambled the world nemesis you could come out with "enemies"? I thought I was really clever when I came up with that! But I do feel like I have a nemesis, and sometimes I get along really well with this person and other times I just hate even the sound of their voice, their very existence in this atmosphere that we have to share on a daily basis. I mean, sometimes I even lose sleep over this person. I know I take things too seriously, but man! What does a girl have to do around here to go up the stupid ladder? It's getting really old, people. And the suck thing is that everybody knows it's getting old and still nothing has been done about it.


In other news: Mrs. Oleson from Little House on the Prarie is a raging bitch!

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