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I passed! WHEEEEE!

October 22, 2004

This just in: staring at your phone and willing it to ring that very second oddly doesn't seem to work. Neither does grasping it so tight in your hand that it actually falls on the floor and the battery falls off. But, I digress.

I did call a few minutes ago.. you know, showing initiative and such. The receptionist chick said the HR chick was interviewing someone right now, and she knew I was calling about the results of the test, and she'd really try to call everyone back by the end of the day. I'm nervous. I'm REALLY nervous. Like.. if they wanted me, wouldn't they want to call me before everyone else to let me know they want me?

Fuck. Fuck fuck.

UPDATE: They called! I passed! Second interview next week! WHHEEEEEE! Let's not think about second interviews making me 5000 kinds of nervous! WHEEEEE! I PASSED!


As for the new layout, I've been layout shopping all day and this is the most angsty rocker layout I could possibly find. I found a lot of "pretty" layouts, but I'm LASVEGASLIZ! I'm hardcore, man!

If any of you really have a problem with it, let me know. I just think it's kinda cool and such. And if any of you have been reading me for any length of time, you aren't offended by such things, and in fact have come to expect it from me. Sooo. Rawk.

Also, I finally got off my ass and did a links page. I also fixed my Doggie Cast List so PLEASE check that out cuz it's cute. Alrighty then.


I really love it when my body decides to launch a full scale assault on my bowels to get revenge after a hardcore day of eating crap. It had me exiting on the highway to go use the bathroom at Kinko's this morning, and I could only get up and leave after someone knocked on the door like, 5 times after I was in there for 10 minutes. As soon as I got to my dad's office a few minutes later, I had to run to the bathroom AGAIN! Oh, it was not pretty. And it HURT!

Okay body, I hear you! I will not eat Peanut Butter M&M's for breakfast anymore! (Please don't kill me.) I will not eat cheesy pizza after 8:30 at night. McDonalds? Gone for good. Really. Seriously. Okay? Just don't do that again. My ass thanks you.


My boss is generally a lovely human being and on most days I enjoy associating with her. But today she's just being an assface, and it's annoying. She keeps yelling at us that she "HAS TO GET THE CHECK RUN DONE!", but she's been yelling about that for 3 days and it hasn't happened yet! Just do it, lady, and stop yelling at me for giving you your important phone calls!

Speaking of work, yesterday I came into the office and really kinda just wanted to walk right out. Why? We had ANOTHER flood. This time it was EVERYWHERE, and it was gross and it smelled and it kinda made it hard to work. Apparently the donut shop's grease trap flooded the whole entire shopping center that we're in, and thus, water all over the damn place. We just got flooded like, 2 weeks ago when it was raining hardcore. Is the earth trying to tell us something?


To those of you that advocate me starting in on the Buffy love: I don't know, guys. I thought about it and maybe it's not such a good idea. We all know that I tend to obsess over things, and Buffy really seems like something I might REALLY get into, you know? I've seen all you Buffy dorks. You feel quite passionate about the subject, and I don't know if I really and truly want to go there. I still have CSI to contend with, here.

I guess we'll see. I'll keep you posted.


I had a dream about my old friend Amanda yesterday. You know, I have the most "people" dreams about her and Ryan, the two people I most regret falling out of contact with. She was my absolute bestest friend from the age of 8 to 13, and really good friend from 13 to 17, so what happened? Why do we lose contact with people who mean so much to us? Sometimes I wish I was physically able to kick my own ass.

The context of the dream was a high school reunion, and I ended up crying because everyone was pregnant and had awesome jobs and I was like, "Damn! What the hell am I next to these people?!" And I mean.. it's a good point. All the people I went to high school with are probably way into their first jobs and are probably looking to get married pretty soon, and I'm just.. not. It's kind of a scary thought! Bargh.

I miss Amanda.


Songs that rock today, October 22nd: a list
Dream On - Aerosmith
Don't Cry (original and alternate versions - Guns N Roses
You Were Mine - Dixie Chicks
White Flag - Dido
Quicksand Jesus - Skid Row
Stranglehold - Ted Nugent
Maroon 5 - She will be loved
Stabbing Westward - Save Yourself


You know, I don't get stuff sometimes. Like, my roommate and her boyfriend's relationship. When I first moved in, they were in some weird kind of break-up relationship, the same thing I've had with Matt for a while now. But then they "Got back together" a few months ago and ever since have been so sickingly cute together it's just gross.

So yesterday my roommate is all uppity and weird because her stupid boyfriend hasn't called her or text messaged her in like, 2 hours. When 5 hours goes by, she actually leaves to go look for him at his apartment because she's so worried! Dude, I don't get that, I'm sorry. 5 hours without talking? I don't even think I'd like that. I like not having to track every single move, and not having my every single move tracked. I know it might be cute and all, but come on.. I just don't get the constant communication system these two have going on.

And, as it turned out, he was just doing some shopping and hanging out with friends and just didn't answer the phone! Heh. Heh heh.

And I don't get why one particular guy (one of our locksmiths) is always coming by here to hang out with my boss when she's not interested and when he has a girlfriend. I mean.. what do they talk about? If I was his girlfriend, I don't think I'd be a big fan of him just coming over here whenever the hell he wants to. My boss and him are really good friends, yes. But it mystifies me sometimes.

I don't really know why that was important to note, but it was just on my mind and yeah.


Today I'm going to Hot Topic to buy a birthday present for Farm Guy's daughter. This crush is getting a little expensive! But I think that taking an interest in his kids is probably an important step in the whole "getting to know you" process.

I will be seeing him tomorrow. This makes me a little giddy inside. Nervousish. I know I'll have that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I did for the hour and a half that I waited for the people to call me about the job. I like that feeling, but it sucks because it makes me all nervous.


I'm full of nervous energy and that's why I can't seem to stop typing. 2nd interview, YAY!

I REALLY want to do a whole extistential speech on God vs. Fate, and I want to do that soon. However, if God is involved in my decision to get this job or not, I don't want to jinx anything by saying anything bad about him. I'm not kidding, people. That is truly how, at this moment in my life, I see God.. as some towering father-like guy that frowns when I do bad things and passes judgement and seeks revenge by not giving me the things I want.

But, I suppose that's a story for another time, and indeed I will stop typing. STOP! TYPING!


a year..
"Now Matt's suggesting we go to Vegas for NYE. That's some crazy talk, but okay. It's nice to know he's even thinking about it."

2 years..
"Is it totally wrong to dance like a total white girl on crack to Eminem's "Lose Yourself?" I mean, seriously, I'm all raising the roof and being a total freak in the privacy of my own room."

3 years..
"And I have some really bad gaseous issues. Indigestion is no fun, I can tell you that with alot of confidence. I had to run down to my dorm's office this morning because someone was in the bathroom and I needed to use it really bad, so I went in the office bathroom. Anyway, I'm sure this is much more information that you would want."

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