about me

Mostly Ocean's 12, with a little female interaction and insane shopping thrown in.

December 11, 2004

So I went shopping today. Let me say this - going shopping at the mall on a Saturday 2 weeks before Christmas is total retardation at its finest.

I mean, okay. I'm willing to concede that I should have known better. But man alive, people! When I'm president of the whole world, this is what I'm going to do: everyone will have 2 designated days for Christmas shopping, starting the day after Thanksgiving. If you use a different day than you are assigned, you are not allowed to have Christmas at all.

So, vote for me.

Okay, so I have now seen Ocean's 12 twice in 24 hours. I left work early yesterday to see it, and then I saw it again this afternoon for shits and giggles. And you know what? I still don't know what's going on with that movie.

I'm going to write extensively about this movie now, so if you care about seeing it, you should probably move on. You know.. spoliers and such. I'll let you know when I'm done.


Okay, the beginning was a little slow and tedious, but I was okay with that. I mean, come on, let's all just admit to ourselves that when George Clooney and Brad Pitt are on the screen, it's a little hard to care about anything else.

I really only started laughing when this whole ridiculous Julia Roberts thing started happening. Okay, so most of the guys in Ocean's 11 are arrested and can't steal the egg, right? So Matt Damon has to get Tess, Danny's wife, to pretend that she is Julia Roberts because they need a celebrity to help create a distraction while they steal the egg.

Are you with me here? So they make her stuff a pillow under her dress and pretend like she's the pregnant Julia Roberts, when she's actually not Julia Roberts but she's playing Tess who's supposed to act like Julia Roberts. Then, Bruce Willis is at the hotel and he sees her walking in, and he's all, "Hey, there's my friend Julia!" And so he walks into the hotel room and he's all happy to see her, and Tess, who's playing Julia, gets all excited because she loves Bruce Willis and he thinks that he knows her.

Are you with me? It's so completely ridiciulous and over the top, but I was laughing my ass off. What really cracked me up was when Matt Damon was talking to Bruce and he said "I knew what was happening when you were in the restaurant and she wasn't talking to you." He was talking about the Sixth Sense. That made me giggle a lot.

There was basically a whole lot of pop culture references. I got them, but I didn't know if a lot of other people did. Like at one point, Bruce Willis asks Julia if Danny is there, and I'm sure that most people think he's talking about the George Clooney Danny, but he's really talking about Danny Moder, Julia Roberts' real life husband.

ANYWAY! Other than that, I don't get it. What I really don't get is that if they managed to steal the egg from the train, why did everyone go to such trouble trying to get the apparently fake one from the museum? Am I missing something there? Why would they risk having everyone arrested when they knew it was all going to work out in the end?

Am I going to have to see this movie a third time?


All in all, I liked it. I didn't totally love and obsess over it like I did the first one, but this one was good too. I really don't know if there's ever been any sequel that I've seen that held a candle to the first one. And I think that's because the first one is a pure idea. It was made to appeal to people and make money, yes, but it was also a vision in some creative person's head, a pure and original idea. A sequel is a way to bank on the popularity of the first idea, and that's just not always a good thing.

But yay Brad Pitt. That boy is just one hot piece of man ass. Holla.

In other news, I'm feeling the girly conversational vibe as of late. First of all, today I had a lovely dinner with the fabulous Ms. Ali-Kat today. We are mexican food enablers. It's a sickness.

When I got home from all the shopping insanity, my roomate and I just sat around and talked about stuff and had a good bonding time. We don't really talk about important stuff, but it's kind of like we never really run out of conversation. Plus, there's always PD to bond over. PD the puppy man!

And last night I met with Natalie for a while. It was good to see my good old crazy friend Natalie, but something she said has been bothering me ever since, and it's just really stupid because I knew I did what I had to do. I told her the complete Church Boy story and when I was done, she looked at me intently and whispered, "Don't you think you're THROWING yourself at him? You should just let him pursure you!"

Well, okay, I can see where she's coming from with that, especially because I finally got the book "He's Just Not That Into You", which totally says that chicks should just not be the pursuers. But really, people! I wasn't sure if he knew that I liked him, and I wanted to make sure that he does know that! And at least in that email he acknowledged that he was eventually going to call me when things settled down, right?! Was I out of line there?

It just bothered me, even though I know it's no big deal. But really? We'll see on Thursday. We'll be in the dark, watching a movie, with lots of chances to get close and personal. If he's not into that at all, well, then I'll know.

Rawr! I want Thursday!

But for now, I'm going to brush my teeth, turn the light off, lie down and watch Saturday Night Live (and, uh, by the way? Colin Farrell with long hair? HOTTT. SO very very HOTTT.). I have lots of church and snooty party to go to tomorrow, so it's sure to be a long day.

Rock out with your cock out.

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