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More tales of the obsessive: version CSI

February 24, 2007

I have a problem.

We all know that from time to time, I tend to get all obessive about TV shows. When I get hooked I have to watch like 8 episodes a day and get all the DVDs and just be all obsess-y about it. I have 10 seasons of Friends, 6 seasons of CSI, 4 seasons of Six Feet Under, 5 Seasons of the West Wing, all the episodes of My So Called Life, 4 seasons of Scrubs and 2 seasons of House on DVD to prove this point.

So what is it now? Well, again, after almost 3 years of this strange obsession, it's CSI. I'm even writing fan fiction again, god help me.( Check it out! It's good!)

When I first started watching the show 3 years ago, I started watching season 3 and then season 2. And I became intruiged by the relationship between Sara and Grissom. They so naturally looked like they were together that I assumed they were, but that was only in our little fan girl minds. But now, ever since the season finale last year when it was revealed, when Grissom was in somebody's bedroom in a fugly shirt talking about life and death and we see there's a woman in the room with him, and it's slowly revealed that it's Sara...well that made my little fangirl heart jump for joy.

And now, in almost every episode there's a little nugget of pure Sara-Grisommness that the writers put in there to fucking drive me crazy. Before Grissom left for his sabbatical, he told her he would miss her. While he was gone, he wrote her a letter saying that he misses her and doesn't know why he's so bad at expressing his feelings. Then when he got back, they had a cute little scene where she wanted to talk to him but she just got back from going through a landfill and she smelled funky so she was trying to back away slowly.

And then, in the last episode...there was this strange little scene at the very end that had nothing to do with anything but I suppose the writers wanted to drive me crazy yet again. Grissom's all bearded out, and he has shaving cream on it. Sara has a razor and says, "Do you trust me?" Grissom says in his most sex me now voice, "Intimately." So she starts shaving his beard off. I got all squicked out by that scene, honestly. I mean...yark.

Like, I have been all fangirled out before over certain couples on TV shows. Of course I wanted Angela and Jordan to stay together forever on My So Called Life. I wanted Ross and Rachel to just fucking get married, damnit. I was rooting for Nate and Brenda on Six Feet Under and I definitely wanted Carrie to end up with Mr. Big. But never have I been so emotionally invested in the fate of these 2 people. I mean, Grissom and Sara? KISS ALREADY! DO SOMETHING! Ahem. I know, I know, he's her boss, he has a good 20 years on her, they've had lots of obstacles in the past...but...DO SOMETHING ALREADY DAMNIT ALL TO HELL! Okay, I'm finished now.

And now there's going to be reruns for a few weeks and that makes me strangely unhappy. It's just a TV show, y'all. A good one, a compelling one, but I should not be so attached! Every 6 months or so I get a little CSI crazy. It's strange. And like, there's nothing I can do about it.

Well, it happens. I'll be over it soon because I always am. Meanwhile, I have 6 seasons on DVD and CSI fanfiction" to keep me company. Oh, and a boyfriend and a job and you know, existing in the world.

Speaking of Josh, we watched this thing on the Discovery Channel today about ants. I was so very creeped out by this thing but I was still completely fascinated. There are some types of ants that are complete bastards. Just don't go to East Africa, Tanzania or Tazmania. 'Cause those things will eat you, man.

Let's second week of strange hours was definitely better than my first. I am getting used to going to bed at 2 AM and getting up at 10:30, although that kind of feels like a complete extravagance because I've never allowed myself to sleep in that late. But now it's out of necessity. Also, almost every day I seem to wake up at 6:00 AM anyway, just out of sheer habit. But then I see the clock, laugh on the inside and go back to bed for another 4 hours.

I also sprained my ankle yesterday which sucks in theory but I'm kind of fascinated by it. It's got this cool swelling thing going on that I kind of enjoy. That sounds weird. This entry should be renamed "Liz is fucking weird." And that would be okay.

Urm...that is all. Back to obsessing over a couple that don't really exist! Woohoo!

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