about me

In which I again obnoxiously talk about CSI and stuff

March 24, 2007

...And here's where I drive everyone batshit crazy with my insane CSI fangirly ramblings. I've been trying to avoid this entry, really, but I can't do it anymore, I just can't! You all have to know things that I am thinking about, damnit! And if not, well, wait until the next entry. It'll happen eventually.

There is FINALLY going to be a new episode of CSI on Thursday, after a 6 week hiatus for dumb NCAA basketball. As it happens, during Christmas we were given the option to take 4 hours off whenever we wanted as like, a gift or something. Because my company's so completely generous like that. We only have until the end of March to use them, so the workaholic that I am, I'm using it on the 29th. What is the 29th? Well, that would be Thursday night. I should get home just in time to sit in front of my big TV and watch an hour of wonderful goodness.

I don't read spoilers and I try to deprive myself of them altogether, but I happened upon this picture from the next episode:

Apparently, Sara is crying about something and my friend and yours Gil Grissom is comforting her. Look at the expression on his face! Look at his arm being around her! Look at how this seems to be comforting her! Ooohhh my fangirl heart enjoys this picture very much.

I realize that I have crossed the line between normal appreciation for a show and completely psycho obsession with a show. I do realize this and someday plan to seek therapy for it. But meanwhile, I am enjoying it and it is fulfilling me in a way that probably shouldn't exist. I really have never been so fascinated by a relationship than I am with Sara and Grissom. There are 2 moments that I am particularly fascinated by:

a. In the sixth season, 2 episodes before we truly find out they are together, they have this scene together where they're totally having eye sex. Seriously! I'm not lying to you! And William Petersen gives Jorja Fox this look. It's amazing look. He knows how to give the looks, mmmkay?

It goes a little something like this:

Yeah. And he just gives her this look like "Nobody knows we're together and that's really hot, because if anyone knew what I was thinking about you right now, there'd be trouble. But see me later and I'll tell you all about it."

And then there's the shaving scene from the last episode. Which I only watched once because it honestly sort of squicked me out, but I watched it like 4 times today because I'm just that pathetic and the look he gives her just before she shaves his beard off is completely wonderful. You can tell he just wants him some Sara and he wants it now. It's just good stuff.

I realize this is interesting to absolutely zero of you, so I will do us all a favor and shut the crap up about it. I will get over this eventually. I don't know when but damnit, it can't go on forever! Right?1

In other news, I am not allowing myself to do any kind of overtime whatsoever next week. It's working out, all the time, and that's it, damnit. Except I am going to the doctor about my shoulder because there is absolutely no reason why it should be hurting so much at this point. Ouch and such.

But on Sunday I am doing overtime and apparently I'm working on In the Bedroom. Which, ironicly, I saw exactly 5 years ago. And Nick Stahl is in it and well, a girl always remembers the first boy who broke her heart. Especially when he's in movies that she has to caption at work. I feel like somehow my life has come full circle or something by working on that particular movie. Or something.

And on a completely different tangent, I know we all know I enjoy AM radio. Like, I don't even care what it is, I'll listen to it. You don't know how many times I've listening to a radio show about mortgages or the stockmarket or NASCAR just because nothing else is on the radio. Anyway, when I get off work at midnight, I am listening to Coast to Coast AM on my drive home. That used to be the show Art Bell did and now some other dude does it but it still freaks me out consistently. Like, I don't know, that show seriously freaks me out on a nightly basis. And I love that.

This is the worst entry ever and I sincerely apologize. I used 1,000 banners that I had lying around and not a single people added me to their buddy list or made a comment. That's just...sad.

To end this sad little entry, here's a picture of Sara and Grissom with a pickle just 'cause it amuses me:

I wrote this entry while watching the end of Silence of the Lambs and the beginning of Copycat, a movie which has scared the ever loving shit out of me in the past.

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