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Sweet relief and other boring things

March 29, 2007

Ah, sweet release. CSI was pleasurable this evening. The end was sweet 'cause Grissom was comforting Sara and it was just nice. It was a pretty hardcore episode, and I am satisfied with it as such. I'm not looking forward to the next episode so much because I just can't seem to care that much about Greg. I know, I suck.

It is raining like a witch's teat up in here, or something. I had an interesting drive home from work with the fury of God raining down on my car. The thunder was so loud I actually jumped. While I was driving. That can't be good.

Um, other stuff...well, I think that I am enjoying my crazy work hours more now. When I first started these hours, everyone told me I'd need to stay up late and not go to bed as soon as I got home, because that's just the way it works. And at first I was all, "Nuh-uh, I'm gonna be in bed by 1 AM, wake up by 10, work out, do overtime!!! Last night I went to bed around 4:15, woke up at 12, had some Freebirds, took a shower and went to work. I mean, party! But it's really nice to wake up whenevs and not have to wake up at the crack of dawn. It still doesn't feel quite normal, but I am dealing with it just fine.

We're moving into a new area of the office tomorrow and that is good. The new people will be starting soon and I think I will be working with them a lot. I am really looking foward to working with new people. 'Cause, like, when they learn stuff from me, they know how to do it because I showed them. Muahahaha!

Um, working out is not so much. My shoulder has been hurting hardcore and I've been waiting for that to go away so I can go at it. It's just another excuse, really. I can get on the treadmill or the bike or the elliptical and not use my damn shoulder at all. I went to the doctor and he suggested it was a pinched nerve. Ouch. Treatment: as much Advil as I can stand. And if that doesn't work, I will need to come back for a cat scan. Wheee!

Here's where I comment on House. Now, I've seen all of season 2 and 3 and a little of season 1, and I have never wanted to see Cameron and House together. But that kiss they had just for purposes of Cameron getting House's blood to test it or whatever the hell she was doing...that was hot. But I still don't want her with him. I don't want her with Chase, either, 'cause he probably really does like her and not just for all the "meaningless" sex they're having in every room of the hospital. I don't want Cameron with anyone, really, I just want her to shut the hell up every now and then. House and Cuddy, however, do make a pretty couple.


Josh and I are currently watching The Smartest Men in the Room. It is interesting. Tomorrow I'm meeting with a chick that is helping write a book for my dad about real estate. She wants me to transcribe some video she has and she'll pay me some decent money for it, so that's good. I don't think it'll be too hard since that is pretty much what I do all day anyway. So, yay for getting carpal tunnel someday! Whee.

5 years ago, I was going through an interesting Russell Crowe obsession. I just want to share this because I am amused by it: "I am watching Mystery Alaska with the sound off right now. Because really, that's all you need. And there's closed captioning! Isn't that cool?!"

Also: I just had some really good sexual intercourse, and I just thought you should know.

That is all.

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