about me

I'm going to buy an Aston Martin with my overtime money, perhaps in 2037.

March 20, 2007

Things for us to know with our minds:

- On Friday, my mom and stepdad and I went to the car show. It's probably like the fifth or sixth year in a row to do this, and it's probably the fifth or sixth year in a row I lusted merciessly over this particular vehicle:

Ah, yes, the Aston Martin. I'm not QUITE sure how much it costs, but I'm about 90% sure it was the most expensive vehicle at the car show. I have good tastes, you see. Here is a picture not taken by my camera phone:


That is why I am doing overtime today and not working out, because I'm pretty sure that $44 extra (for 2 hours of overtime) on my paycheck will help me purchase one of those someday. Right? Right?

- Instead of, you know, working, I updated my about me page since it's been almost 3 years and everything. I'm just sayin'.

- A few days ago, a big semi almost ran over me and my happy little Maxima. It was my fault, really. The ironic thing was that "Turn the Page" was playing on the radio at the time. Well, it was ironic to me, damnit!

- In actual, relevant news, Josh's doggie Iris was having some troubles on Friday. She's normally a pretty healthy and rambunctious dog and hasn't really ever had any problems. So when she refused to move or eat or do anything else, Josh took her to the emergency vet. I met him there, and after a really long time of doing a lot of things that cost a lot of money, we now have a diagnosis: she has a herniated disk in her neck. Which, by the way, is a bad thing because there's really nothing you can do about it.

She's not happy about it either because we can't let her jump up on stuff anymore. Basically, she rammed herself into a car a few years ago and didn't show any signs at the time that there was anything wrong with her. But then she fell off a bench on Friday and I guess that old injury made an appearance. So, now she just has to learn that she can't be all playful and jumpy like she was before. She's kind of a stubborn little bitch and it's taking a little time for her to understand this concept.

Shit happens to dogs, you know? My doggy had parvo when he was a puppy. My cousin's dog just had to have one of his eyes removed. One of the farm dogs' leg is all messed up and he has to stay in the big kennel for a month. It's just sad 'cause you don't know how to fix them when they're broken 'cause they can't talk to you and tell you what's wrong. I am sad when my puppies are hurting.

- Anyway. For the past couple of days I have been experiencing what women tend to experience every month or so. Usually right before this happens I get completely terrifyingly horny or completely terrifyingly hungry. It was the hunger this time, unfortunately, although the horny is starting to manifest itself now that the cycle is complete. But, seriously. Last Wednesday in what I can only assume was a PMS craving, the only things I had to eat where: a small microwaved pizza, a hershey bar, a snickers bar, and chips and guacamole from Chipotle. I find this odd.

What else I find odd is how much I tend to act like a girl when the cycle is near that time of the month. Like, I am an emotional person most of the time, I will admit this. But I am such a sad little girl, always wanting attention and if I don't get what I want, I cry. A lot. And that's so very annoying. In fact, it's annoying all the time. I cry at commercials. I cried 8 times when I worked on Jersey Girl last week. I get offended so very easily. And when I get offended I want to cry. What the hell is that? Why is my first instinct always to cry? I want to turn in my girl card. Wah.

- I slept on my shoulder all wrongly or something and now it feels, like, broken. It hurts.

- I just finished reading Valley of the Dolls. For like the 8th time. I don't know why I enjoy that book so much, it's like pure crap and 500 pages long, but I just do. Jaqueline Susanne is my hero, damnit.

- I like Dr. Pepper, and Scrubs, and CSI, and my apartment, and Freebirds, and your mom.

- I probably have other things to say but not really. OH! I hate Tom Green. Josh made us watch Freddy Got Fingered and I just...couldn' it.

- 300 is a good movie, but I was completely distracted by all the abs in the movie. Seriously. Did they have a gym in Sparta or what? Not that I have a particular problem with the abs. There was many of them.

Um, okay, I'm all out of things today. I will now work on Scrubs and be happy.

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