about me

New apartments and problems with plumbing

November 27, 2006

Welp, I'm all moved in to my new apartment. I am happy about this new apartment for several reasons, and I will tell you why...right now!

- It's in a good neighborhood and about 90% less ghetto than my last apartment.

- It's Dallas and not Addison, the little suburb I've been occupying for the last year and a half. I'm closer to everything now and that's pleasant.

- The cable guy came and now I have cable in my bedroom! That is kind of a big deal.

- I'm on the first floor. And I have a doorbell! And a pantry! And a storage closet! It's a smaller apartment but the storage space makes a big difference.

- Like I said, the cable guy came and he installed my cable modem, but I'm kinda online right now with the help of somebody's wireless connection. It's an awesome connection! Thank you, person that's letting me steal!

- There's a little patio type of deal. Yay, Josh having somewhere to smoke!

- It's cozy.

- The fitness center is really close.

- Freebirds is less than a mile! So is Borders! Wheee!

- It comes with a washer and dryer!

Some of the downsides include...
- It's smaller.
- I saw a roach in the bathroom. This troubles me, as I saw a roach in my old apartment maybe twice in the year and a half I was there. Seeing one on my first night? Not so good. But, I bought some Raid and I'm not afraid to use it.
- It's kind of retardedly priced, but I guess for all the amenities included, it's a good deal.
- Being on the first floor, I can hear people stomping around on the second floor. But that's probably karma for being on the second floor at my last apartment and sounding like an elephant when I walked across a room.
- My cell phone works for crap in this apartment. Therefore, I'm going to have to get a real phone. I haven't had a real phone since I lived in a dorm.
- They seem to have a strict pet policy and bring Iris over will possibly be tricky. However, the pet deposit isn't that much and the chick I talked to about this today also has a Boston Terrier and was sensitive to my plight.
- Did I mention the roach?

So, everything's good. I have a shitton of unpacking to do. Josh was very helpful with the packing last night and this morning. It is nice to have a male companion to help with the typical "I'm a girl and this is too heavy" type of things. He is awesome.

This is the fourth place I've lived since I graduated 4 years ago. 1 year in Austin, a year and a half at the place in Dallas with the roommate, a year and a half in Addison on my own, and now here. But this will be my last apartment, I can tell you that with confidence. I don't know how long I'll live here, but the next place I move to will be my very own piece of real estate. It will be awesome.

In other news, Thanksgiving was just fine. Apparently I have a tradition of getting shitfaced every year, and I didn't let anyone down this year. At first I thought it was just a typical drunk on red wine kind of night, until I threw up the entire contents of my stomach at 3 A.M. and my 86 year old fake aunt had to put a washcloth on my forehead and put me back to bed. I haven't gotten sick from drinking wine since I had wine for the very first time when I was 15. I felt like such a rookie.

My relatives were in town and it was nice. My cousin Debbie brought this little puppy named Reno. He's 5 pounds. This is a woman who raises Anatolian Shephards. She has 7 of them, actually, and none of them are less than 100 pounds. But this dog was the cutest ever. It made everyone in my family want a 5 pound dog.

Speaking of dogs, there were 8 of them at the farm. And I was happy.

Here's some pictures!

Here's my dad and the kitty, Oreo. You have to be a pretty hardcore cat to exist at the farm, and I think Oreo is just the little man for the job. He can not only fend for himself, but he's so fucking affectionate it's disgusting. The second you pick him up, he starts purring. Anyway:

I was asleep on the sofa and here comes the dogs of doom to wake me up. I actually love having the doggies wake me up, but Alf actually got on top of me and sat there for a good five minutes. You'll notice my dark hair somewhere in the picture full of dogs.

My dad and Fake Tits McGee: (if you know her, don't tell on me)

Me and Frog and Rudy:

And this is the best picture of me in the bunch. There was a lot of horrifying pictures of me this year, all the more reason to take Meridia and shut the fuck up about it. Thankfully, the gym is like across the street from here and after I'm done unpacking and finishing Nano, I will be spending a lot of time there. It's a true story.

I love me some Charlie. That boy makes me so happy about life in general. Too bad he's like, a trained killer.

So, yeah. I'm watching House in my bedroom right now and tomorrow I have to return to work after almost a week-long absense. It should be a good time.

Rock out with stuff out.

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