about me

Look at my room!

October 15, 2004

Because I'm such a party animal, I stayed home tonight, watched CSI, and cleaned my room. If you don't think I documented this entire process, well, you're wrong!

My room before the cleaning process:

And now here is my SOMEWHAT MORE (as my roommate said upon viewing) clean room with my new EXPENSIVE AS SHIT comforter and black sheets:

And here's some pictures of my DVD's! I know you're all excited.

I would like to thank Super Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond for assisting in my shopping spree today.

Anyway.. I love my new comforter. It's greatness. And I loved CSI tonight, but I love CSI every night.

The job interview today was brain numbing. I got a good vibe from two of the interviewers, but the third one set off "I don't want to hire you" red alarms all over the place. The questions she asked were really intense. I do want the job, don't get me wrong - I just don't have warm feelings about it. After 2 years of this bullshit, I think I have a pretty good idea of what kind of impression I made. Or.. maybe not.

I really don't think I'm going to sleep very well tonight, even if I don't have to get up to go to work tomorrow. Donna said she called Farm Guy and invited him to go to the fair with us tomorrow. She said that HE said he might come, but he "has some mowing to catch up on", so maybe not. AhhhHHHH! The suspense is killing me! Do you know how fucking awesome it would be to spend the entire day with him at the fair? Do you know how hard I would work at impressing this man while we're together the whole day?

I'm sure he probably won't end up going, though. Because as we all know, just like the junior high school dance, the person I want the most to come won't even ponder going because they just aren't the type to go. You know? It's just the kind of boys I pick. The guys that don't show up to the dance.

I'm done now. Sleep in a new red comforter awaits!

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