about me

Fair day!

October 16, 2004

So, the fair.

It was good stuff! I went a few weeks ago with my mom and stepdad, but I was looking forward to going this time because my little stepbrother was going too, and I knew he would want to do the fun stuff!

Me and future stepbrother rode a lot of cool stuff. I know that my dad and Donna were grateful that I was there to participate so that they didn't have to. Hey, it's what I can do for them.

When Stepbrother was in line forever for something, I went over to that which is known as "Top Spin." Now, I've never really been scared for my life until I rode this particular ride. I thought for sure that this was going to be the end for me. I screamed louder than I ever thought possible, and right now, 7 hours later, my throat is all kinds of raw. That ride was seriously one of the most terrifying things I've ever done in my lifetime. Seriously!

After that, all I wanted to do was go home. But with a 5-year-old in tow, we still had to throw the rings around the bottles, throw the ball in the hole, throw darts at balloons, go through the funhouse (where he kept bumping head first into the mirrors), and get some cotton candy.

Anyway, yay fair. BOOO Top Spin! And Booo not seeing Hockey Boy again.

A joke on Conan that just cracked my shit up: he was talking to Fake Bill O'Reily and O'Reily said, "Ask me why I'm like election day."

"Why are you like election day?"

"Because election day is coming soon!"


After the fair I came straight home and went to bed. For like.. 4 hours. That Top Spin totally ruined me. Seriously! I woke up and then watched Miss Congeniality with my roommate. Maybe it was because she was halfway drunk, but I feel that my roommate and I somewhat bonded tonight. We were both quite chatty and had a lot to talk about, and I really think that's just good stuff right there. I know I've said this 1,000 times, but for this place being the first place I looked at when coming back from Austin, and with meeting here merely on, it's just astounding how well we get along.

You know, it's just that nice feeling you get when you really connect with a new person unexpectedly. You know? I know you know.

But I digress.

I am now watching my season 4 CSI and marveling at how pretty Billy Petersen is with his beard. Mmmm.. Grissom beard. I didn't really feel like going anywhere tonight, so I just ordered some pizza like all fat girls who don't really have anywhere to go on a Friday night. It was good pizza, though.

As for Farm Guy and the fair, it didn't happen. I knew in the back of my mind that it wouldn't happen, but around 12:45 today I was still screaming along to "Welcome to the Jungle" while it played on my CD player because I was so happy in anticipation of him being there.

When I realized he wasn't coming (Donna said later that he was "worried about his foot" and I was all "What's wrong with his foot?" And she was all "He thinks he might have Gout." Ahhh, so romantic.) I reacted the same way I did at 12 years old when my friend Courtney told me that Travis was not coming to the football game with us and have been acting ever since in boy related dissapointment: I frowned, I sulked, I kept fantasizing about how awesome it would have been if he had come, and then I got over it. Well, for the most part. I kept thinking how much fun it would have been if he would have been riding the fun rides with me and Stepbrother. But, hark, what can you do sometimes.

It also occured to me during the fair, while walking around, that I am seriously just asking for trouble with this whole thing. I mean, really.. what do I expect? That he's going to come running to me with open arms once he figures out my feelings for him? It seriously makes me wonder why I put myself in these situations when I know the outcome isn't going to be pretty. It's strangely baffling why I feel the need to do so.

I'm going to watch more CSI now. One thing I hate about CSI is that if I'm not paying attention to the entire show, it fails to make sense at all. If you miss just one part, you seriously miss the whole thing. I keep having to rewind it because I feel like I'm missing something crucial. Bwah.

Also, this morning I had to go to the bank and get a cashier's check for $40,000 for something at work. I was driving around with that thing all day! But then I gave it to my dad, so don't come try to rob me. It's gone now.

I'm out.

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