about me

Me! Me me me me me!

November 19, 2004

I am bored. A lot bored.

I did get to visit 1/5 of my boyfriends today. I went to the bank to see my bank boyfriend Mike, but he wasn't there! I need to stalk him and figure out his schedule.

I did see the client I've had a crush on for 6 months now. He was wearing a suit. Awwww. The thing about him is he's maybe a year older than me, but he has his own investment company with a private plane and everything. And he's down to earth and easy to talk to and takes an interest in my shit. So, he's on the list.

The list, if you were wondering, of my five boyfriends:

1. Farm Guy. This is a long shot, but things are still progressing. We had dinner together, alone, last Friday, which is like.. major progress. I think he's starting to see me as more of a friend-like person and not so much the boss's daughter.

2. Client Guy - I just talked about him! Pay attention!

3. Mike, my bank boyfriend - We always flirt a little when I come in and on Monday he said, out of nowhere, "You look nice today!" Which obviously means he wants me. I predict a number swap next time I see him. That's the natural progression, right?

4. Church Boy - We're getting there. I know he's like.. fascinated by me, but does that mean he wants to bear my children? I will be spending a lot of time with him at church on Sunday, so we'll see how that goes.

5. Matt - yeah, well, a girl has to go where she can get some every now and then.

So those are my boyfriends. I get to see a combination of them every week, and I know that at some point in my life, SOMETHING will happen with one of them.

Yes, I am this self absorbed, petty, and generally annoying. But I am going to see my grandmother after work today, so doesn't that cancel it out?

You know what song is like, ultra sexy? That would be Stranglehold by Ted Nugent. Some sex should be had to that song.

On a similar note, I seem to be developing a fascination with Winger. I know that this is ohhh, about 15 years too late. But seriously? Winger rocks. Like, totally. Not as much as Skid Row and certainly not as much as GN'R, but they do have a definite rock factor.

Also, I've noticed something about my spending habits. As soon as I get my check, I buy all my big stuff, like Friends DVDs and clothes at Lane Bryant and stuff like that. But then for the next week and a half, I'm really poor and look at my balance and think, "How am I going to afford gas and Freebirds for the next week with only $90 to last until the 30th?!" I am very bad with money. Very.bad. Plus, I'm not exactly making the big bucks at this job. I need more money, is what I'm saying.

So, this weekend. Not much going on. I'm going to my grandmother's house tonight because she lives like 10 minutes from our new location over here. Tomorrow I'm going to a Nano gathering for shits and giggles. Sunday is church. I will be avoiding anything that has to do with spending any kind of money. So, that should be fun.

I was up an hour past my bedtime last night reading this. Now I am tired and would like to go to bed.

A fun fact: I work right next door to a Dollar General. It is fascinating to see the kinds of people that shop there in the middle of the day. Even more fun is the fact that we don't have blinds yet, so I'm all kinds of on display for everyone to ogle. Yesterday I was eating a fudge bomb pop and some old fart knocked on the glass and shouted "I see you eating that! You're not allowed!" Yes. Seriously. I am eagerly anticipating blinds.

One more thing: yesterday, in one of the like 2,000 elevators I have to take on a daily basis, I dropped something and bent over to pick it up. The other chick that was in there with me said, "Oh, let me get it, you're pregnant!"

It was almost like she was demanding that I was pregnant, like it was so obvious that she had to make that assumption without thinking it all the way through first. I, in return, said "Um, I'm not." And she was all, "WHAT?" And I'm all, "I'm just fat!"

Now, some people really don't give a shit when they realize they just made someone feel like the biggest turd of all time, but she looked horrified and we didn't speak the rest of the way down. To add to the fun, we had to get out of that elevator and take another one down to the parking lot together. I'm not saying that I really enjoyed this comment. And I'm not saying that this comment made me feel good about myself. But it was funny how she looked like she wanted to be sucked through the floor and shot out through a cannonball in medievel times.

In other news: I'm not ever wearing that shirt again. Also, Trim Spa is my new best friend.

I never truly realized how completely self absorbed I am! Other people talk about politics or their friends or school, I just talk about mememememe all the time! Muahahah!

I'm so very sorry.

I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball.

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