about me

Lots of boys.

October 17, 2004

Hi humans.

There is really no reason as to why I shouldn't be at church right now, other than I just don't really feel like getting out of bed and going. Sitting here watching CSI and reading Lost Boys seems like a good idea to me. Later, I'm going to the mall to get a Guns N Roses watch at Hot Topic! Oh my gawd! I'm like, SOOO trendy!

So last night I had every intention of going to the mall and spending even more money that I really shouldn't be allowed to spend. But around 6:30, Matt text messaged me, all "Have plans tonight?" So, we hung out. We had a real and proper date, complete with seedy hotel nookie (he was secret shopping the hotel, so yeah) before and after dinner at the Olive Garden and a movie. We wanted to get a haunted house in there somewhere, but that didn't really work out for us.

We saw Friday Night Lights, which I actually really liked but Matt kept finding problems with all the football inaccuracies. I never knew Tim McGraw was quite so hairy! But still hot. And still an absolutely fantastic actor. It was a really interesting movie, but I'm not sure people outside of Texas would really enjoy it all that much. We love us some high school football, yes we do.

Anyway. Something about Matt that I'm not always that observant about.. he LISTENS. And he REMEMBERS. He remembers things that I would have expected him to forget a long time ago. It's just nice to know that he has all that stored inside that huge brain of his.

It was a nice and pleasant evening that really should happen more often so that I am reassured in the fact that I am not just pining away for the wrong person. When we are together, everything rocks. It's just that we really aren't together enough. Blah.

In other boy news, my mom and I went to this craft fair thing at a junior high school yesterday, something we used to attend every year when we lived down the street. I bought some good Christmas presents, including something for Farm Guy.

I know it's only October, but I've been thinking that I have to get something completely fabulous for Farm Guy for Christmas because hey, isn't buying material posessions the best way to show that you care? It is in my family, anyway. I didn't know what I was going to buy, but I came across this painting yesterday and I had an actual emotional reaction to the fucking thing. I seriously almost cried when I saw it!

It's this cowboy guy, lying in a field with his dog, and there's horses and cows and deer and an armadillo and a blue bird around him, and in the background there's a farmhouse and a lake and lots of trees. It's an incredible painting and it just kinda spoke to me. Although, I have to say my mom was totally an enabler on this.. I really wouldn't have bought it if she didn't talk me into it. And the actual painter guy was at the craft show and signed it for us, and my mom was all, "Ooohh, can you actually put 'To Farm Guy' on it?!" So now I HAVE to give it to him because it has his name on it. It also has the date on it, so I'm pretty sure that when he sees that I bought him this painting 2.5 months before Christmas and actually had the artist sign it for him.. he's going to know that my feelings towards him aren't exactly friendly.

Or something.

Here's some random fair pictures:

Here's me on the terrifying, death defying Top Spin:

Here's stepbrother and I on the stupid teacup ride:

Here's me and Stepbrother after our first ride of the day:

Random picture of stepbrother:

Rock on.


2 years ago.. "I should have another favorite band. The concept is just so outrageous that I don't even know what to do with myself. I mean, tonight I am wearing a new GN'R shirt that I bought over the internet (very simple.. a black shirt with red letters saying "Guns N Roses".. it's a nice concept), and I just a few minutes ago put a concert review from Blender magazine on the window in my room so everyone who passes by can see how hardcore I am. I was supposed to go get a tattoo tonight, but I kinda wimped out on that. From where I'm sitting I can see two of my Axl posters, including the nipple ring with the pants unzipped, and to my left is 3 more posters. I'm friggin listening to Live Era, a double CD that came out in 1999 that I've had 3 different copies of for one reason or another. I mean.. what am I going to do? Start liking Nickleback or something? Somebody tell me what to do here, I'm starting to lose faith in Axl! I know he's an evil genius, but I'm losing faith in this so called genius and I'm starting to think it's less genius and more indecision and red tape and crappola."

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