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Kirk out!

September 17, 2006

I have some kind of bite on my toe and it itches hardcore. It sucks.

In other more relevant news, my new TV addiction: House! Yay, House! I recorded the first two episodes of this season and I was hooked, and last night I bought the DVD and watched 4 episodes, and it's good, and I like it. I know it's lame to have a new TV addiction every week, but hey, even if I didn't want to watch TV all day, I still do it at my job for at least 8 hours a day. My life's fun like that.

And I still have yet to resolve the issue of overtime vs. working out. Overtime gives me more money. Working out helps my body and my sanity. Yet, without the money that overtime brings me, my sanity lessens because I don't quite have enough to pay my bills AND buy fun things. And what is life without material objects, I ask? NOTHING! Hahaha.

I'm doing overtime right now, working on a movie so bad that it's not even on IMDB. Half the actors aren't even on it. *sigh*

I've been doing overtime on Sundays for a while, ever since I gave up on going to church, anyway, at least 7 or 8 months ago. It's not because I'm in a relationship and I don't feel that need to congregate with the people anymore, thus I don't need church anymore. Well, that may be part of it. 50% of it, maybe. But the other half is that I just gave up on trying to feel what I was supposed to feel. I don't think God would approve of me. I don't think he'd approve of my cussin' or my whole having sex before marriage thing or my rock n roll music sensibilities. I have a problem putting my faith in something when I feel it's completely hypocritical on my part. I talk the talk but I don't walk the walk, and I never have, and that was always a I gave up on it. Maybe someday I'll figure it out, but right now...whatever. I kinda like having my Sundays free for whatever.

In other news, last week my stomach chose to punish me. See, on Sunday I ate whatever the hell I wanted and, well, it was a lot of stuff that wasn't good for me in the slightest. So, as a result, I spent Monday on the toilet. I left early, since I didn't really want to sit in the bathroom all day at work. It really sucked, like, a lot.

So, since then, I've been trying to do better with the food because it did get a little out of control. I just really hate eating. You have to eat, you know? And I always end up making the bad choice. Like, this week at work someone had a birthday so there was cake and ice cream. On Thursday, someone baked the best tasting cookies that ever existed in the world. And I ate these things without even pausing to say, "I would probably be better off not eating those things, since they represent my gluttony and sloth and greed and I should really eating things like that just because they're there." Only after I ate them did I think about that, and it bothered me.

Someday I'll learn. Maybe.

My relationship still has its ups and downs. I don't know. What else is there to say? Things aren't changing and 50% of that is my fault. But if they continue to not change in the near future, I really don't see this lasting much longer. I wish it could be different but so far, it hasn't been, and that sucks.

Oh, and also, it is really uncomfortable and horrible when your boyfriend's mother walks in on you having sex, but probably your boyfriend won't be ass horrified as you, and probably his mom, are. Urgh.

Ummm...that's about it. Kirk out!
(I've done a couple Star Treks and that's what he says when he's done talking to someone on the intercom-thingie, and I like it, especially better than Seacrest Out!, so, yeah.)

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