about me

Homo erotic circus people, vibes between others, and Teri Hatcher

November 29, 2004

My boss isn't here today, so basically I've been spending the last 2 hours looking for jobs and uploading pictures to Ofoto. If that's not good times, I don't know what is.

Nothing fantastically interesting has happened in the past 2 days, but here's a list anyway:

1. Some of you will be happy to know that I rented the first season of Buffy. So far, I've watched 2 episodes, and it's okay. I'm not totally fascinated and obsessed yet, but I do plan on eventually seeing every single episode, just because it seems like something I need to do. So far, I LOVE Cordelia. She cracked my shit up in the first episode when Buffy attacked her and she said, "Excuse me, I have to call everyone I've ever met now."

Incidentally, I got the first season at this Blockbuster near Downtown Dallas that has pretty much every TV series that has ever come out on DVD. They even have the Golden Girls, which just came out on Tuesday! *DROOL*

I love that place.

2. Anyway. Tomorrow is the last Tuesday night small group happy time, and it's making me want to throw up. I have rehearsed what I am going to say to Church Boy, and it goes a little something like this..

"I know you're going to be busy with stuff this month, but if you ever want to take a break, give me a call!"

Of course, I'm going to flub it and it'll actually come out sounding a little like this...

"Um, If you're bored this month, um maybe call me? Or um, something?"

Tuesday is probably the last time I'll see him until the 17th, in which our group will be meeting to watch movies and such. I saw him yesterday, and nothing interesting happened, but there was bodily contact involved. He nudged me while asking if I was going to lunch after church. I declined because I am a total moron, and I wanted to go home and go to sleep. That makes sense, right? Uh huh.

I REALLY like this guy, people. Although he is a Capricorn and I am a Libra, and in the astrology books I read yesterday that's really not a good match, but whatever. Apparently he's not going to make the first move, and I have to do it, even if it means possible rejection. Whatever! I'll do it, if it means moving on in my fucking life! I'm so tired of Matt and going to Vegas for New Years and Secret Shopping and Plano and all his drama! I NEED A FUCKING NEW BOYFRIEND!

Urm, anyway.

3. In TV news - Desperate Housewives was fanfuckingtastic last night, especially the last scene. I've never seen such a graphic murder of a chick by a dude on TV before! Plus, Teri Hatcher and her guy FINALLY got it on, and it was HOTT. I love that show.

I cried again during Extreme Makeover:Home Edition. They gave the daughter a full scholarship to design school! I mean.. how awesome is that. I love this show because they do such good things for people who need it, and there's no catch except the advertisers get to put their product up there in exchange for the free stuff.

Also, I missed CSI on Thursday because I was overdosing on gravy. Apparently it was all kinds of captivating and good. *sigh*

4. As a family, we went to Cirque Du Soleil on Saturday. It was pretty groovy... there were some things that had my jaw dropping in wonder. But there was another act that was so homoerotic that I had to wonder what these two guys do in their spare time. They were looking at each other so intensely, and then they were tangled up together for so long.. it was just.. intruiging. There has to be something between those guys, or everything I have ever believed in my life is wrong.

Just something to note.

We also went to a mexican food restaurant where I was only allowed to have 2 strawberry margaritas. That means that my family knows me too well, and if I would have had that third one, they might have had to carry me down the stairs. Those were fuckin good margaritas, though.

5. My co-worker is having one of those days that I've had about 1,000 times before, only this time she's about 1,000 times more screwed than I was. It's all about losing cash money that you need to have to pay your truck payment. Oops.

And yuck.. she had to ask Work Guy for the money and I know that's her absolute last resort and I just feel so yucky for her. Yikes.

6. I am going to Austin this weekend. My girls are having a Christmas Party and I feel that it is necessary to go to said party. I am proud that I haven't lost contact with these friends, and I've almost been gone a year. That's kind of a miracle for me, really. I suck at keeping friends.

7. Speaking of friends, I FINALLY heard from Amanda. She lives in Chicago now. It's nice to know that she still exists in the world and she cares enough to send an email back to me. I haven't heard from her in 6 years, sooo.. good times with that. She is my oldest friend, people. I met her when I was like, 7 years old. So I am glad that we haven't lost contact completely. Yay for!

8.My brother and I watched Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2 this weekend. I've seen them before, but I forgot how completely captivating those movies are. I seriously love me some Quentin Tarantino. Seriously.

9. Just one more quick note about Farm Guy. You know that feeling you get when you see someone that you're really into really getting into someone else? Like, you can actually see the vibe that exists between those people, and you realize that that vibe between them is a lot stronger than the vibe between you and that person, and it kinda makes you feel like crap? And it kinda makes you want to stab that other person that has the vibes? Yeah.

Now it is the time of Sprockets where I show you pictures. And yes, there's a lot of them, but you guys are getting off easy - I actually took 126 pictures this weekend.

These two pictures make me feel like I'm the best photographer on Earth. They were taken at 7:15 in the morning, after a bit of a freeze during the night.

Me, my brother, and future stepbrother, having a tender moment:

Here's my doggy, being all muddy and gross:

Here's a donkey:

Here's a horsie:

Here's Frog, the biggest dog in the world, with the cutest face you will ever see:

Here's a totally narcissistic picture of me:

My doggy and my daddy:

Tired Alf:

A pretty picture:

Bonus Pictures:

Me and Ali-Kat last weekend:

Me and Chris Baty, founder of Nanowrimo:

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