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Job interviews, obsessions, and Axl

November 04, 2004

So, today I had The Biggest Job Interview of my Whole Existence!

I think it went very well. I was in there for almost an hour and a half, which is always a good indictation of goodness. I have literally been to job interviews that lasted less than 10 minutes, so I dug it. There was about a billion questions they had for me in there, but I aced them because I'm just good like that. And because I've been doing job interview research, and because, you know.. I've had about 150 interviews before this and have a pretty clear indication of what NOT to do and say.

I did a little typing test, and I thought I'd do a lot better, but I still scored 61 WPM, and they're only looking for 35. I feel really good about this, and clearly they are not smart people if they don't hire me. I am OBVIOUSLY the right person for the position.

I will know by Wednesday. Yes, another week to obsess. *sigh*

Donna wants to send her courier over there TODAY with thank you notes so that I can make a good impression, but I can't fucking get a hold of the stupid courier, so maybe not. Donna always wants to use her courier for stuff.. when I went through the Great Break-Up of 2002, Donna wanted to send her courier to Matt's house to get the rest of my stuff that I left there. I was all, "Umm, no thanks?" You know.. closure and all that.

Honestly, I will be a little surprised if I don't get this job. It just seems.. right. So.. let's all hold hands and pray.

In required Weekly Obsession news, I WILL be writing Church Boy an email about my feelings for him. He usually writes us all a follow-up email after our small group on Tuesday (he's a leader! Awww.), and as soon as I get this email, I will be emailing him back. I WILL be saying something like, "I had a really good time at the retreat this weekend! I picked up a new understanding of the Holy Spirit, as well as a bit of a crush on you..." or something to that effect.

I mean.. I know it's not exactly the traditional way of doing things, but guess what? I'm quirky! I know he already knows this.. you can't spend more than 24 hours with me (at the retreat) and NOT figure that out. And also.. I'm just tired of waiting. I don't want to play games, I just want to put my cards on the table and let him know what's up. I'm at the stage where I'm not really emotionally invested in whatever answer he brings to the table. If he's all, "Umm, I just want to concentrate on WORK right now," I'd be like, "Okay! Next obsession! What's Farm Guy up to these days?" But if he's like, "I kinda like you too, and I'd like to get to know you better"... then, score!

I feel like I owe this to myself. I know.. I'm weird. But I've always done things differently. Instead of conforming, I'm going to keep on being my weird quirky self. I'm going to embrace the weird, and if you don't like it, go fuck yourself or something.

Yeah, I know, I'm so classy.

In other news, my life force is completely drained because I used it all on this interview. I want to go home and take a nap and then wake up and clean my room and watch CSI. I'll let you know how that all works out.

I'm also feeling a little bit bad for the Me of 2 years ago. I was going through some bad, bad times, but they were necessary. And 3 years ago today, we have our first introduction to the one and only Donna, my future stepmother who is 12 years older than me, 7 years older than my brother, and has a 5 year old son (just in case some of you didn't already know that information). See below!

I haven't Nano'ed today yet, but there's still time. I think I've lost a little interest because there's no redeeming value to my main character. I mean, seriously.. she's such a bitch for no apparent reason. I don't like her. But I don't want to start over, either. So we'll see.

Random beautiful Axl picture of the day:

Good songs today:

James - Laid
Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug
Blake Shelton - Austin
No Doubt - Running
Don Henly - End of the Innocence
Elton John - Original Sin


2 years ago...
"Is there ever a person on your AOL Buddy List that you look at and think, "You know, I always have to IM that person first. I wonder how long it would take them to IM me instead." And you wait until they IM you to talk? Even though you like.. have things to say to them? And then all these days go by and you're like, "wow, that's sad!"

Yeah, that's sadly me and BB right now. You're not supposed to be that way with your boyfriend, but I suppose it's to be expected with the way things are going in our relationship as of late. I've taken on a rather apathetic approach, really. Well, I don't know if it's apathetic or just kinda healthy. I was telling my cousin this weekend that I was looking forward to going to Austin because it's the best thing that could happen to us right now. We can see how we function without having the other always be hovering around in the background. Right now it's kinda like, "Well, it's the weekend, you might as well come over because that's what you always do anyway.." I mean, neither of us have actually said that, but that's really how it is. It's easy to form a pattern when you've been together for so long, and crappola."

3 years ago...
"I spent the night at my dad's last night. My brother and I went to dinner with my dad's new girlfriend. Not the Playboy Bunny or the one who owns the hotel we went to in Reno, but a lovely British woman who is 23 years younger than him and has a two year old son. I really like her, even though it's obvious that she's just looking for a father figure. She told us all about the three different fathers she's had. Anyway, it was a nice dinner with good conversations, and crappy, indifferent service at the way too nice restaurant we went to. But anyway."

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