about me

Texas, Axl, and other boring shit.

November 05, 2004

I believe that I haven't been very pro-GN'R lately, so let's start the day off with a lovely picture:

Ahhh yes.

I'm not really in the mood for substance today. First of all, I'm in a food coma. Second, I slept like a total log of shit last night.. I dunno.. I was completely fixated on boys and how I really would like some kind of boy in my life right now, and there was unpleasant dreams to that effect, and plus CSI was really magnificently creepy last night, soooo.. blah. Plus, my roommate for some reason didn't come home last night, and I was all worried about the well-being of PD. He doesn't like it when he doesn't get to sleep with his mommy. See:

But, she is alive and everyone is good, so good times.

Quick hits:

1. In my interview yesterday, one of the questions they asked was, "Do you get offended easily? If so, what are you offended by?" It took a lot not to burst into spontaneous laughter. Pleeassee. You're talking to a girl who would rent porn while living in Austin. I work in an office with two of the most racist people in existence. I have a gay older brother! My favorite band is Guns N Roses! My exact answer was that "I've been around, and there's not much that offends me anymore."

I need to go to church more often.

2. Grrr! Speaking of church, Church Boy has yet to write his weekly email to our small group, and it's making me all wiggly! I'm starting to back off on this whole "I have a crush on you!" email plan because I'm losing my nerve. I hate that!

3. Also, Amanda hasn't read her email yet, and that's making me wiggly too. Come on, people! It's the mid 2000's! The information age!

4. I've been getting these little dizzy spells that have been a little disconcerting. They only last a few seconds, but still.. they're freaking me out. I did some basic research on it and discovered it might have something to do with an inner-ear thing, and my mom works for an ear doctor, so that's always good.

5. Pleaseseeeeseee sign my guestbook! I'm not feeling the love lately and we all know that's not good for my self esteem!

6. I cleaned my room last night! Yay!

7. I'm stuck on Nano because I have to write a big road trip from Austin to Las Vegas scene, and I really have no idea where I want that to go. I almost wish they could drive straight there with no complications, but what fun would that be? I also came up with a fun new band name... "Boxfish".. woo!

8. I like Dr. Pepper.

9. I did a little Axl picture research today, as I am known to do from time to time, and here's one that brings me back:

Oh man alive, how I used to obsess over that picture. It's from the Fall of 2002, and wow, was I obsessed. I just thought I'd share that with you.

10. Things I am looking forward to in the month of November:
- Bridget Jones (in 2 weeks!)
- Friends Season 8 DVD (on Tuesday!)
- Eminem's new album
- Ocean's Twelve (next month, actually)
- Getting that fucking job!
- Thanksgiving
- Tuesday nights with my church boyfriend.

11. Here's a picture of all my nail polish in my medicine cabinet:

Um, notice a pattern or anything? I am so adventureous.

12. Want to see a picture of me attempting to blow a bubble with my gum?

I know. I'm just as excited as you are.

13. I haven't seen a movie in like.. 3 weeks. This is a tragedy.

14. CSI was SOSO good last night! So good. Here's a picture of Billy Petersen from next week's show:

He's wearing a TUX! My pants are already going crazy.



16. I really wish I had something more interesting for you guys today, but.. I really and truly don't.

I need a boyfriend.

Oh, and this is kinda long but funny cuz it's true. I'll bold the stuff that I identify with cuz I'm a whore like that:

Some facts (or are they?)...about Texas
1. Armadillos sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.
2. Roadrunners don't say "Beep Beep".
3. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Texas.
4. Possums will eat anything.
5. If it grows, it sticks; If it crawls, it bites.
6. Nothing will kill Johnson Grass.
7. There are valid reasons some people put concertina wire around their property.
8. Texas has 5 seasons:
- Spring, Feb 16 - Apr 15
- Summer, Apr. 16 - July 15 (temp 90 - 99)
- Super Summer, July 16 - Sept. 10 (temp 99 - 115)
- Summer, Sept. 11 - Oct. 15 (temp 90 - 99)
- Fall, Oct. 16 - Dec 1
- Winter, Dec. 2 - Feb. 15
9. Onced and Twiced are words.
10. "Jeet" is a phrase meaning "did you eat?"
11. Texans measure miles in minutes. (Soso true on that!)
12. Stores don't have bags; they have sacks.
13. You can switch from "heat" to "A/C' in the same day.
14. There are only four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup and Tabasco.
15. Coldbeer is one word.
16. Fire ants consider your flesh a picnic.
17. "Fixinto" is one word.
18. You think the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
19. Going "Walmarting" is a popular past-time.
20. If you live in the country you do not have to buy a dog. City people will leave you one at the gate.
21. Temps below 70 degrees is considered good Chile weather.

a year ago...
"I had an interesting exchange with my shift manager last night. I eventually got around to telling her that when I was through for the night, I was going to drive to Dallas to see my boyfriend. We made small talk about that, and later she asked, "Is he a good guy?" I actually hesitated a lot before I said, "Yeah, he's okay." And then she got kind of annoyed that I wasn't really saying yes to this question, so then she asked, "Well, is he a good lay?" I had a good laugh about that one.

I don't know what was so interesting about it.. the fact that I couldn't answer yes to him being a good guy (I mean, yeah, he's a good guy. But some stuff that's happened in the past year has made it difficult to judge such things sometimes.) or that I haven't even experienced the good lay from him."

2 years ago..
"So last night I had all kinds of Guns N Roses dreams. The night before, I dreamed I was making out with Madonna. Rawk. That was kind of a cool dream, except just when I was about to get some, I said something just plain dumb, and then she wouldn't make out with me anymore! Come back Madonna! I'll be better, I swear!"

"You KNOW what fucking 5 FUCKING YEARS buys you in this town? A fucking month off, that's what it buys you. I was so fed up with his FUCKING BULLSHIT that I finally just said, "Why don't we just not see or talk to each other for a month?" And he was like, "Okay." That's all he said. He fucking said "Okay." Like HE DIDN"T EVEN FUCKING CARE. He didn't say "No no, we can figure this out, maybe I'll see you one day a week or something." He didn't say, "Fuck it all, I love you, don't go to Austin." He just fucking said OKAY!

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