about me


October 20, 2004

Okay, so I've had a lot of job interviews in the 2 years since I've graduated. Out of the many, many interviews I've been to, there's only been a few that I really felt strongly about. Today, at 2:30, will be one of them.

I know that sounds dramatic, but that's how I'm feeling about it! I feel like all the interviews I've ever had have lead to this one. It's October, I'm TOTALLY qualified for the fucking thing, and it's something I really and truly WANT to do.

I'm going to be confident without being cocky. I'm going to be enthusiastic but not TOO enthusiastic like I was at the radio interview. I'm going to be friendly and happy but not bubbly and obnoxious. I am going to get this job, people. I mean, I just don't understand why I wouldn't. I do understand, what with all the people they are surely interviewing, but let's not go there.

So basically, please send good vibes my way today. I really need this job, and I feel good about it, but it's been advertised a lot and I have a feeling that I'm up against a lot of people.

Things that I have in my favor:
- Qualifications say that I need to be able to type 40 WPM. I type 80 WPM.
- My volunteer experience
- My newspaper experience
- My journalism degree
- Deadline experience

Yeah man.

I do love the people I work with here. Right now, at this very moment, we're all talking about politics and religion. Oh boy. And 2 out of the 4 people who work here have "Does not play well with others" stickers on their cars. Yeah man. And, that whole boss's daughter thing can be overrated at times, but at other times, it sure does work in my favor! My boss even did my hair today. Wasn't that nice of her?

Good vibes, people. That's all I'm saying.

In other news, I was having this long conversation with my mom last night and she wanted to know how my "date" with him on Saturday night went. I know my mom isn't the biggest fan of Matt, but she said that she supports our relationship because she knows there's still a lot of something that exists between us.

And of course, that just got me to thinking about what that really entails. We still have great passion for each other after 7 years. We still have lots of in-jokes and memories and happy times and strength and laughter and love and lust and stuff like that. It's still there. It exists, and I know it does for him too, and until I see for sure that it's faded away, then I will still be here. And I know he will too. It's something I've learned over the past couple of years - he still believes.

That probably doesn't make sense but I'm all crazy'ed out and trying to participate in religion/politics chatter at the same time. There's still something between us and I know he felt it on Saturday because he keeps saying he had a good time.

So, good times.

I went to church last night and I am still always amazed, even after 4 years of church-going, how nice church people are. They are all so supportive and encouraging and it's just a really awesome atmosphere. I'm going to a retreat next weekend where I'm going to be spending A LOT of time with these people, so that should be interesting.

It was also funny because the two married couples were sitting on the sofa together, and across from them were me and the one single guy. Awww.

The Extreme Home Makeover show on Sunday nights ALWAYS makes me cry. ALWAYS.

I want to watch the season premiere of the West Wing tonight even though I've really only seen the first 2 1/2 seasons.

I have to pee right now. RIGHT NOW! Stop typing. Go pee.

I'm back! Yay!

I'm going to the farm on Saturday. I almost wish I wasn't going to the farm on Saturday because my Farm Guy feelings are slowing down to a normal pace and seeing him will just make it flare up again, much like herpes. But last weekend he invited me to his daughter's birthday party, so here I go. And it will be nice to see the doggies.

I'm out. Good vibes, that's all, really.


a year ago...
"Except, this Supermodel show on VH1 was just talking about Stephanie Seymour being a supermodel. Man, why do I still hate that rock star dating whore monger? She didn't "steal" Axl from me! I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that when Axl was in his early thirties, he probably wouldn't be interested in a chubby, weird toothed awkward 12 year old with really bad hair. But I still hate her. Damn you, Stephanie Seymour. DAMN YOU! I'm GLAD he knocked you around in the Don't Cry video! YOU DESERVED IT! MUAHAHAHA! Beyotch."

2 years ago..
"It's been a long time since I knew he was messing around with other chicks. A year and a half. And if I figured out that he was.. it would probably hurt a lot. It might destroy me. I don't think I could handle knowing about it. So yes, ignorance is bliss sometimes, whether I like it or not."

3 years..
"BB and I were driving yesterday (actually we were driving from 10 AM to 9 PM, but that's neither here nor there.) and I realized something about sunsets on a Saturday night. I can't quite put my finger on the emotion I have when it comes around, but I think the best word would be.. promise. There's so much promise on a Saturday night of getting together with friends or a newly formed entanglement and having a good time. I felt that way when I was 12 years old, too. I felt like if I didn't do anything to make sure that I had some kind of social life that night, I was missing out."

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