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My brain hurts too much to think of a name for this entry.

March 12, 2007


You know who's one crazy beyotch? That would be Cindy Crawford. I did her fun little workout DVD {that I bought because I couldn't find the tape that my mom and I bought, like, 15 years ago) yesterday and wow, I am sore today. That is a good thing, but I couldn't even keep up with the bitch! And her sit-ups are hard because there's one where you have to do a full sit-up, which is nice for people who actually have stomach muscles but not so much for people who
don't. And I used to use the crap out of that tape when I was 13-14 years old, but I've kinda grown a layer since then, and it was not as easy as it used to be. Fun times, people, fun times.

But the good news is I've kind of adjusted to my new schedule a little better lately. I've figured out that I can't really do overtime and work out the same day, so I have to really kinda figure it out at the beginning of the week. Last week was mostly about working out, and I felt good about that. But I still gotta make the money! But not as much as I need to work out. So, you know, it's a balance. I did manage to work out 3 times last week.

I even got on the treadmill, where I discovered a very good way of making myself stay there and not whine about how the treadmill is the worst thing in the entire world: I downloaded a couple of the first episodes of Gray's Anatomy and I'm watching that on my iPod while I'm on the treadmill. So...Meredith and Dr. McDreamy had sex and then found out they both work at the same hospital! And Meredith's mom has alzhemiers! Gasp! But, like, I kinda like it. Not that I will watch it on my actual TV because it's on during CSI and there's no way those 2 shows will compete in my household. But I kinda like it. It's a little quirky. It's kind of like a grownup version of Scrubs, if you will.

Which, by the way, I have captioned for the past couple of months. And I watch that sucker every single time. Mostly because I'd record it anyway even if I hadn't worked on it, but still, after 2 years, I want to see my work. And I have noticed that a few of the episodes aren't looking so great, which is a hazard of being fast and not having anybody look it over but me and I don't always catch everything. But I was really slow and careful on the last one and it kinda looked awesome.

I am so rambly today and I don't even know why.

Urm, Josh and I are okay. He just had a birthday. I gave him cash. We watched 8 episodes in a row of CSI on Saturday night. That was before watching almost that much of Farscape. I can handle the strange gray lady if I can also watch me some Grissom, ya know?

We are still having issues, though. He is not a happy person right now and I never seem to help that situation. I want to think I'm radiating sunshine out of my ass and I can help him be happy with a flick of my wrist, but I can't. And it's extremely frustrating, and I seriously have no idea what to do about it. And we have fights, and I try not to make these fights last long on my end but sometimes I just get so infuriated that I have to say something that prolongs the fights. I dunno. This is our relationship, and it doesn't ever seem to change. I've said it before and I guess I'll say it again - I just need to figure out if that's what I want for my life. And maybe it is. Then again, maybe it's not.


All I know is that I'm feeling better because I'm exercising and not avoiding the treadmill like it's the plague. I sweat more on the treadmill than on the bike and the elliptical combined. It's gross but so satisfying.

I'm also still writing fanfic. This one I've been working on a for a little over a week now, Distraction, is better than the last one I wrote. And it's illiciting some passionate response from readers, because at first it's kind of pro-Grissom and Sofia and not Grissom and Sara. And lord knows we can't have Sofia with Grissom! It's just that I watched all of season 5 last week and I was intrigued by their little flirtation. Of course it didn't last long 'cause by the end of season 6 we all know who ended up together, but I was just interested in their rapport. And...I just bored anyone who might have been reading up to that point. Look, I'm gonna watch all of season 2 and 3 and 6 and then I'll be done, okay? I'll stop CSI-ing out and it'll be just fine. Really. Just after I watch about, oh, 40 more episodes.

Here's a picture for us all to enjoy:

That's from the last episode of season 6, when we all find out together that they are like all intimate and such.

I am such a dork.

Oh, and I hate daylight savings. So does my brain, apparently, as I've had a headache all day. Mmm, fun.

Kirk out.

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