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Bragging and other assorted things

May 16, 2006

Ah, more overtime. This week I'm doing as much as I can so that my paycheck next month will be a good one and I can maybe go a little crazy in Vegas when I go in July. It's not particularly fun or anything, but it's what I gotta do to get me some money. And I kinda like making money for myself, you know? It makes me feel more self-sufficient than I've ever been. Even though my dad bought me a car last year and I'm using my trust fund to buy a house at the end of this year. Shut up.

Pardon me while I brag a little: on Friday, most of us were informed that we recieved promotions. I moved up a level and got a 5% raise. Yeah, I know, I'm awesome. I kinda knew that was coming soon, but it's effective starting yesterday and that's just really good times. In the year and 3 months that I've been here, I've gotten 3 different raises and I'm now making $3,500 more than when I started. Not bad, I would say. Not bad.

Anyway, in other news, Axl and friends (otherwise known as "Guns N Roses") played in New York this weekend. Here are some pictures for you to see with your eyes:

Yeah, yeah, he still has the cornrows. But doesn't he look good? Rawr! Although I heard this guy on the radio say he looks like Axl's evil father. Nuh uh! He's just...aging. He's 44, after all.

But reports say the concerts have gone well. He's singing new songs like Better and There Was a Time. Apparently his voice gets a little tired every now and then, but so far, so good. Yay, Axl! Axl 4 life!

So, I can't not mention Josh because that would be a travesty towards man. Things are weird. He's being weird. I guess I'm being weird. I love him, and when I think about being without him, it I don't want him to not be in my life. But sometimes I just start fights and he starts fights and we spend a good portion of time irritated with each other. I wish I knew how to fix it. He does make me happy and I want to make him happy. I want us to take care of each other. I just don't know how to do that sometimes.

We watched the series finale of Northern Exposure last night. I was satisfied with the ending even though I secretly wish for Maggie to end up with Joel. I heart NoEx.

Bah. I guess I need to get back to my horrible 1967 Jerry Lewis movie. I mean, we have cool stuff sometimes. Like yesterday I got to work on Wedding Crashers! Sure, it was in Spanish, but it was still a cool movie to work on. But if you want the good, you have to take the horrifyingly awful as well. I hate you, Jerry Lewis.

That is all.

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