about me

2004: the year that was.

December 28, 2004

Quick hits:

1. I clearly need to be accompanied by an adult while shopping at Best Buy. I've spent, like, $325 there just in 2 different trips. Today I bought Anchorman (which I'm watching with the commentary right now, and it's cracking my ever loving shit up), Garden State, the 10th anniversary edition of Reality Bites, and a James album (Laid) and a Dido album (No Angel) to put on my iPod. I should clearly be stopped before I cause anymore damage.
2. I bought a $275 purse for $60 today. It was highly satisfying, although it wasn't a Kate Spade, which was not highly satisfying.
3. Spanglish is the best movie ever. All the actors in the movie? The best ever. Go see it. Now.
4. Today is Church Boy's birthday. He is 25 years old. If I didn't already send him that weird email after church last weekend, I would send him one tonight. Oh well.

Okay then.

The real purpose for this entry is to do one of those famous and dreaded year end entries. I know, I know, nobody cares. But I do! I CARE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!

So, here we go.

In January I struggled with figuring out how to say a proper goodbye to Austin. My friends had a little going away dinner for me, and I wondered if it was going to be the last time I saw them. Fortunately, it wasn't.

I also found a roommate and moved to a little apartment in Dallas. That's some good times.

Then came February! I had a couple of weeks of unemployment, and then finally I begged my dad to give me a job. And so.. he did. At first we all thought it would be temporary, but nearly 11 months later.. you get the picture.

I also struggled with the whole Matt thing, trying to figure out where we fit once I lived 15 minutes instead of 3 hours from him.

There was also the whole Gordo obsession after I attended this radio thingie. That was a little scary.

In March, not a whole lot happened. I looked for a church to go to, first of all. I saw Matt fairly often. I slacked off on the job search because I thought I had it made at my current job. March was not very interesting.

April was spent winning money in the lottery and then promptly spent a big chunk of that money in Shreveport playing Blackjack and slots. Not good. Not good at all.

I also decided on the church that I was going to attend, after going to 4 or 5 different churches and not really being satisfied with them. I like my church choice, I really do. And it only partially has to do with Church Boy.

May was really not interesting in the slightest. I apparently was obsessing over Matt and not fun stuff such as that.

Now, June was a huge month in the land of obsessions. First we have the Velvet Revolver adventure in which Slash, one of my all time personal hero's, sweat all over me while I stood in the front row.

I then entered the weird and strange world of being totally and completely obsessed with CSI. It started when I rented one DVD from the third season, and I was instantly hooked. I now own every season on DVD and have seen almost every single episode. The obsession is over, but the love still remains.

I also took a fantastic trip to Vegas and Utah to see my mommy and do some gambling.

Wow! June was a big month!

In July there was a lot of William Petersen obsession going on. I also went on a lot of interviews that obviously didn't work out. I saw Matt every now and then. It was starting to dawn on me that maybe this was all that was going to happen with us for a while, and that was not happy fun times.

In August I went to the circus with my roommate, her boyfriend, and this dude who takes care of my dad's farm. A couple of days later, I found myself in the grips of a powerful obsession for Farm Guy. We all thought it would last for maybe a week or two, but instead it lasted about 4.5 months. It was fun while it lasted, right?

I also discovered the seedy world of fanfic, and my life would never be the same again.

In September my doggie turned a big 5 years old! My obsession with Farm Guy raged on. It was so intense that I almost completely forgot about Matt there for a while, which was exciting.

I also watched the presidential debates and got quoted, which is excited.

I turned 25 years old in October, which really terrified the shit out of me. My Farm Guy crush raged on while my CSI obsession settled itself down.

I also moved to a new diary! This one! WHEEEE!

I also had a good lead on a job for caption editing, but as all things tend to do in my life, it didn't work out. That's okay. I don't need them anyway.

Or whatever.

November was about voting for the wrong guy and starting a new crush on someone I like to call Church Boy. Consequently, I got really into church and stuff like that.

There was also a really intense day of Matt and Church Boy. That was fun.

In December I told Church Boy to call me. He didn't.

And uh.. other stuff.

So basically, a summary of my year:
- Matt and I are not doing well, and I'm okay with that.
- Ali-Kat rules, and we are cosmically linked no matter what happens in our lives, whether we like it or not.
- I like mexican food.
- Austin rocks, but I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
- Something big I've learned: okay, so I've fallen for the assholes, and I've fallen for the guys who are nice to everyone, and now I need someone who falls in between. Someone who's nice, but saves some of the niceness for the person he loves. You know? I need to find someone like that. A mixture of asshole and gentlemen. Find me one.
- I really like my roommate and that situation has done well for me.

By the way, big props to the roommate, who managed to buy a whole new car by herself tonight. I am impressed with that shit.

Anchorman has the best commentary in the history of DVD commentaries.

That is all.

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