about me

captioning CSI, being someone's woman, and swallowing.

February 17, 2005

I just swallowed a mint. It did not feel good.

So, today at work was Massage Day! Wooohooo. We got a 10 minute chair massage. It felt nice, it really did. However, it did absolutely nothing for my current state of hornyness.

Speaking of such things, I hadn't heard from my bank boy in approximately 32 hours or so, and that bothered me. I asked my mom if I should call him and she was all, "No, he knows you want to see him, let him call you."

Except everyone knows that I just don't take advice, so I just fucking called him. And you know what? We had the best 4 minute conversation one could have with a newish boy. I told him I was in the area and I wondered if I could come by and molest him a little bit. He was all, "We'll have to molest me another time, I'm in Ft. Worth right now." You see, I'm kinda tired of beating around the bush and now I'm taking the low road - using sex to get him to want to see me. I mean, I want to hang out with him and get to know him better, true. But I also want to fuck him 6 ways from Tuesday. So, let's just all be open and honest with our feelings, okay? Okay then.

He said that his friend from last week wants to hang out with me again because he thinks I'm funny and because I make him laugh. And then he was all "But he doesn't have a crush on you or anything because he knows that I've already claimed you as my own."

See? THAT'S why I called him , so I could hear shit like that.

We also bantered about missing each other and he asked if I would be available "soon" because, of course, it would make too much sense to make ACTUAL plans.

But yeah. It was good. I will see him soon. And all will be well in the state of Horn Town.

In other news, I've just been working there for a week and 2 days, and I'm already seeing regular TV in captions. It makes everything a little more interesting, although CSI is boring me tonight. Blah blah blah, old guy, diaper rash. Whatever.

Also at work, my boss has twin baby girls, 8 months old. She works the 7:30 to 3:30 shift and her husband works from 4 to 12. He brings the babies up when he comes to work and she takes them home.

The point is, the babies are fucking adorable. So adorable that I can't stand it. I really want one of those, dude. And that scares me, because I've never been a big baby kind of girl. I've always prefered puppies. But.. maybe the ol' clock has started to tick, people.

That is scary.

In other news, Matt "resents" me because I am no longer providing him with nookie. Awww. Poor guy. Too bad that, in all his life, he'll never even come close to resenting me as much I have resented him. But guess what? Fuck him. That's right. Fuck.him. I'm over it. I have been claimed as someone's woman. So, bite me.

This weekend is TicketStock, or in other words - time for my yearly obsession with Gordo. Some of you might recall my total and complete weirdo thing I had for him last year. I don't know why I do this to myself.. I know almost for a fact that I'm going to obsess over him when I see him. It's not even worth it... he's married with kids. *sigh* Damn radio people.

I miss Mike.


a year ago...
"I'm glad my monthly visit is here because that means I actually have a reason for breaking down and almost sobbing when I saw 50 First Dates. Also, I'm not pregnant. There is absolutely no reason why I would be, but I was paranoid about it anyway. I was already thinking of ways to tell Matt that I was pregnant. Heh! I'm sorry I have to miss that one."

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