about me

Talking to Tonto, races of endurance, and interventions

August 22, 2006

So, the highlight of my day: I talked to my mom for a bit, and then I asked her to put Tonto the wonder puppy on the phone. I was all, "Hi, Tonto! Ruff ruff ruff! Tonto Bobanto!" And he barked! He got all excited and made his noises and barked like he was saying, "Hello, girl that my mommy seems to like a lot and so I like a lot, too!" It seriously made my day. It doesn't take a lot, people.

At work we are doing the Amazing Race again, after not working on it since last year. We're doing the season with the families, and let me tell you, it is a challenge. Today, I performed a feat in which I'm pretty sure no one else will reach: I did one in 4 hours. That means nothing to anybody here, but trust me, it's impressive.

Some people tell me to slow down and that I really need to pace myself so that I don't burn out or whatever, and maybe, just maybe, there's something to that. But I don't buy it. When I went through the great Looking For a Job Crisis of 2004, all I wanted to do was find a job where I could work hard, benefit the company, be wanted, be needed. When I worked for my dad, I was not needed in the slightest except the fetch the mail every couple of days and to answer the phone and try not to hang up on people. That was not satisfying. Doing an Amazing Race in 4 hours and having my boss thank me sincerely? Satisfying.

I may complain about my job but it brings me a lot of that satisfaction stuff. I earn decent money, have good working relationships, have okay hours (although 7 am is still, after a year and a half, a foreign concept to me), and yeah...for this point in my life, it's the best job I could I ask for.

Now, in a year or so I might be changing my mind, especially because the Big Guys are wanting to "phase out overtime" by next July. Which, by then, I should be making enough money for that not to matter as much. But also by then, I will have been there for 2.5 years and that's probably when it might be good to start thinking about the next step.

Speaking of overtime, one of the new people quit after 3 days so now I get to once again participate in overtime, which I am happy about. The new guy didn't like the shows we were working on or something. Lightweight! We're doing a lot of wrestling right now and that probably chased him off. But we do cool stuff, too, I swear. I was going to mention the show I worked on today where, uh, they intervented (if you know what I mean) this girl who was addicted to meth and alcohol but then I got all paranoid about things but I'm sure you can guess what show I'm talking about. Wow...this girl was FUCKED. I hated her so very much and felt so bad for her family and was so happy when her sister tried to beat the shit out of her. If you're so inclined, watch for upcoming episodes for this show that's kinda about interventions or something...yeah.

I am weird today.

So I'm taking a couple of days off work and going to Austin this weekend. I kinda can't wait, honestly. I'm going to see my brother's new house and meet his boyfriend and see Dylan the cuddling golden retreiver and my mom and stepdad are coming and I'm just really looking forward to it. I haven't been to Austin since December and it's calling me right now, I think. It is, as we know, my soulmate city. So yay for that.

I worked out tonight and it was neato. I watched part of a L&O:SVU and was fascinated by the captions and swore I could do a better job than them. Is that dorky? Anyway, body image is still low and I hate every aspect of every part of myself, but this is not a new thing, I don't feel any more worse than I have in the past, and I'll get through it. In a month or so it won't be so fucking hot and I can wear more flattering clothes and be happy once again.

All in all, I'm waiting for the next era of my life to start yet not really doing anything to move it along. Hopefully my dad will help me get going on buying a house by the end of the year and that will kick my life in the ass for a while. At least I kinda cleaned my apartment today...kinda. I hate doing dishes, like, more than anything. Not that I did them today, but I'm just sayin'.

I'm kind of deeply involved with the game Feeding Frenzy. If I get anywhere near it, you can say goodbye to the next couple of hours. I'm glad I invested in the 360, it's a lovely way to spend some time.

I seem to only be updating on Tuesdays lately.

My friends and yours, Guns N Roses, are playing a ton of dates in California next month. If I had expendable cash I would find a way to get out there, but I figure it's only a matter of time before we get a country-wide tour thing happening. Of course, we got one of these 4 years ago and it went up in flames, but Axl's been doing the Europe thing for a while and people love him over there, so maybe that's boosting his self esteem a little. When there is a tour, I can guarantee you that I will be busting my ass to get to every show in Texas, even if I have to go alone. It is my duty!

I guess I'll shut up now. Here's Tonto Babonto for your viewing pleasure:

and another one cuz he's cute...

I'm out.

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