about me

Babies and 5 years and stuff.

June 12, 2006

Man, I'm a sorry excuse for a writer lately, aren't I? Remember the days when I used to update like 3 times a day? Yeah, those were the days.

In other news, I don't usually sit here and think, "Man, I want a baby! Give me one! I WANT ME A BABY NOOWWW!" But when I am around them, well, the urge is there. I mean, come on, I am a female of reasonable childbearing age, I guess it just kinda happens that way, doesn't it?

Last night I went to see my cousin's new baby boy. He's like, a month old. My cousin is strange and like 45 years old and I'm not sure why anyone would want to mate with him, especially seeing that he could barely hold the baby without freaking out like a total loser, but the baby is soooo cute. I was told to hold it and I did and the little guy grabbed my fingers and held on with like, brute baby strength. It was amazing and it made my ovaries flutter, let me tell you.

Not that I'm in any kind of shape, physically or mentally or anything, to have a baby right now. But they're just so cute! I just want to eat one! Rawr rawr rawr!

Anyway, yeah.

Um, let's see...

Go Mavs! Yay!

Yesterday I did some overtime at work and I worked on Kill Bill 2. Man, that's some good stuff right there. To be able to come to work and work on that which is the brain of Quentin Tarantino, that really kinda makes everything worth it, doesn't it?

Work is okay..a lot of people are quitting and it's a little strange, really. But I'm gonna stick it out here. I am determined, man. Plus I have a lot of vacation days and I don't want to start over again! But yeah, I'm still kicking the ass and doing lots of overtime and stuff that is that. It's good. Really.

I didn't do very well with the working out last week. I only went once and that's because I had an appointment with my trainer. She's mean, but awesome. I have to write down everything I've been eating and I'm seriously considering just flat out lying on some of the things I've been eating, mainly because she doesn't like when I skip meals and I do that sometimes out of necessity or what not. But that would be kind of fucked up. Lying to my personal trainer is kind of a new low. Or not.

To completely change the subject, my 5 year D-Land anniversary is coming up at the end of the month. I seriously can't comprehend how much time I've had a stupid online diary.

And you know me, my first inclination is to go all out and do some kind of hardcore retrospective and shit. But, and I admit that I am doing so begrudingly, I am realizing that my past is the past and right now is about the future. We also know a huge part of this D-land extravaganza is Matt, and he's not any kind of my life whatsoever anymore, so what's the point? I have my Josh now, we don't need the past. I get that. Sometimes I have trouble remembering that, but yeah, it's all good.

Still, though, it's amazing to look back to see all that I've been through in the past 5 years. Graduating from college, ending a long relationship, starting a new one with the last person I ever thought I'd end up with, repairing friendships, losing friendships, moving out on my own, looking for jobs, advancing in jobs, having crushes on boys, having strange pop culture's all in here and I can always look back at that and know in someway that I am moving on, even just a little, from the person I used to be.

Or, you know, something like that.

I really should be working right now but Will and Grace are not holding my attention at this moment. But, yeah, they should be.

In other news: There's nothing that a little hardcore awesome sex can't make better.

That is all.

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