about me

my 27th year

October 12, 2006

October 12 is a day that is of my birth. That is, every year on this date I appear to age another year.

This time around, I happen to be 27 years old. Now, I understand 26 years old, but 27 seems to confuse me. What is 27 all about, exactly? What does it mean, exactly?

25 years old was about getting the career. 26 years old was about getting and maintaining a relationship. I can't think of anything better to accomplish than to turn 28 next year and be proud of who I am, what I look like, how healthy I am. I want to make a committment to myself that this is going to be the year that I change everything. This is going to be the year that I stop making empty promises to myself. This is the year that I'm not going to let myself be bossed around by Taco Cabana or Freebirds or that which is pizza.

I know everyone is tired of hearing that and I have to prove myself before I can say anything else. I'm okay with that. Because not only do I hate the way I look, but my health isn't so great, either. If I lost weight, i'd help my PCOS, my thyroid problems, my stupid high triglycerides.

Right now, I hate the way I feel when I'm sitting at my desk. My stomach feels like a big sack of donuts that's attached to my body and I hate that feeling, a lot. I just want this year to be about making myself feel better, and doing whatever it takes to accomplish that. Maybe I'll join Weight Watchers, maybe I'll wire my jaw shut, who the hell knows? I have to do this before it leaves permananent damage to my health, if it hasn't already.

Okay, I'm bored with that. My birthday has been dad sent me some beautiful flowers at work, which is always a good thing. People were lovely at work but I didn't get a cake and that was sad. Right now Josh and I are hanging out, eating mexican food and having a nice blissful birthday. I'm sure orgasms will also be involved at a later time.

I also got a lot of love on myspace and that just mae me feel all popular and stuff.

So, I am optimistic about 27. When I turn 28, things will be different. I'll be happy about myself, and that will be good. I am looking forward to it.

Other stuff...look, Axl's back! Yay pretty layout!

New Ghost Hunters...always a good thing.

On the Border is a tasty birthday treat.

Ummm...I can't think of anything else at the moment. Stay tuned~!

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