about me

Pictures, yay!

July 08, 2007

And I have pictures! To read my fabulous Utah/Vegas story, you may do so here. It's okay if you don't, I'll understand. *wipes tear away*

These next pictures are what I like to call "Me being narcisstic self portrait series 2007." I had to take like 95 pictures of myself to get these that I like. It's a problem. I understand that.

My mom's horse, Comanche Moon, and my nails:

Princess Willows, one of the few puppies left and definitely the cutest:

Me and Josh and Princess Willows, before I left:

Sunset over Cove Mountain:

There's a little restaurant in Richfield called the Little Wonder. It has good food and lots of people apparently stop in to eat there, including:

Oh, and let's not forget:

Me and Mommy:

I dropped my camera approximately 5 times, and on the last time I was sure I broke it. But then I put new batteries in and it worked, and I was happy! And Tonto was happy too! See:

Tonto in his pool:

My toes:

A pretty cloud:

This picture is not easy to take, but it was my mission to get a picture of the infamous sign before I left. There's not really a place where you can pull over and take it, so you kinda just have to be creative.

And this is a sign on the road where my mom and stepdad are building their new house. I've always been a little intrigued by this sign, so here it is:


This is my stepdad. He's a little, how you say...technologically inexperienced. He made me laugh for days by stating that he thought he couldn't get an email if his computer wasn't on. Like, emails don't exist if the computer isn't turned on. He's a professor, people. And awesome.

Here's a picture I took back in December of the sun rising over the mountains:

And...that is all.

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