about me

I am watching the West Wing right now.

January 20, 2009

I know, right? I super suck. But whatever. I will write, and you will like it. If you still don't know, I'm located here most of the time these days. I know, Livejournal is so 2002. But I like it.

I am writing today mostly because you guys have had to listen to me talk about this day for...7 years in a row. So why break a streak? 12 years ago today, on Inauguration Day, as a matter of fact, I had some virginity-taking sex. With Josh. I have not informed him of this today, but before I go to bed I will call and tell him. I don't know why this day sticks out in my mind so much, it just always has. Do you guys remember the date of your virginity losing? Just curious and all.

In other news, I'm having some wicked cramps. They are not pleasant and I kind of hate having ovaries today.

I'm also eating everything in sight. I really need to stop doing that. I don't know why I do it, either. I want to be thinner. I want to not be overweight. I want to make my goals. And yet I just keep eating. How many times have I written that in this journal? My guess? 17,000. It's just so goddamn frustrating.

Also frustrating? Wanting to do SOMETHING. Wanting to learn more. Wanting to do more. Wanting to know more. And just not knowing how to go about it. I'm lost a lot of the time. It's just true. Today I was driving home from work and just completely depressing out. I'm 29, you guys. I so wish I could go back to that 21 year old I was when I started this thing and start the fuck over. The things I could do if I was 21 years old...oh, man.

I'm blaming this entry on PMS.

Good night.

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