about me

Quick update so this place doesn't die.

May 24, 2009

Earlier, I woke up from a delicious nap and I couldn't find my phone. Anywhere. So I emailed my brother to call me and turns out, it was in a pillow case! How does that even happen?!! Life is a mystery, my friends. Such a mystery.

Not much going on lately...I had a bit of a situation on Friday night that involved mostly a lot of TMI, but essentially my body was letting me know, not so subtly, that I've been eating way too much shit lately. I already knew that, but it was telling me that uh-uh, there will be no more of that. I haven't been much better this weekend about what I've been eating, but I haven't had any Dr. Pepper! If that counts.

Whatever. I'll figure it out. Maybe. The good thing about that situation was Josh and how awesomely he took care of me. When he's sick, I have no idea what to do with him. I'm so not a nurturer, which makes me sad. But when I'm sick, he's so good to me and nurturing and sweet and awesome. He's also an amazing cook, you guys. I am lucky in this regard, and in so many others. /brag

In other news, I went to the farm yesterday and it was enjoyable. I still miss my Charlie. My dad told me about a stray dog that showed up and was just hanging out, and the first thing I wondered to myself was, "Hmm, wonder what Charlie thinks of him." Sadface. But this other little guy is pretty cute. Well, not cute, exactly. Actually he's kind of ugly. He's definitely got Corgi in him and who knows what else. See:

He's very sweet, really. He definitely had a family at some point, which makes me sad. He's a good boy, why get rid of him? He hasn't been fixed yet, which isn't a very good thing around our parts, so my dad is paying for him to go to the vet and get fixed and shots and other assorted things. This doesn't exactly mean we're keeping him, but I figure he'll want to stick around after that. It's funny 'cause he's tiny and the rest of the farm dogs are all 100 pounds plus. Oh, I love me some doggies.

There was some pretty intense rain at the farm and I took a few crappy pictures of it with my iPhone while I was driving. They mostly suck. Here is an example:

And here is a picture of a horse and her baby:

Yay, nature!

I had a pleasant evening that involved eating cheeseburgers that my dad made during a very awesome thunderstorm. It was nice for a May evening. Ahhh.

Also I got an email that someone reviewed a story I wrote 2 years ago. It made me kinda happy in that yay, someone rediscovered a forgotten fanfic I wrote a long time ago kind of way. It's called Distraction, if you're curious. GSR, obviously.

In other news, today I rediscovered my love for the Shawshank Redemption. Maybe I've been corrupted by the internets over the past couple of years, because now I can't watch that movie, especially the end, without KIND OF shipping Red and Andy. This feels very, very wrong. And just a little bit right.

I have tomorrow off like most humans, and I will be playing Monopoly with friend-like people. For now, I am going to try and do a little writing. Imagine that! Okay then.

Happy Memorial Day, friends list. Here's more shitty iPhone pictures of rain:

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