about me

An interesting perspective

October 19, 2007

I have totally already been here today. I haven't done 2 posts in a day in looonggg time. Whee!

I want to talk about something that is actually relevant to life in general.

At work, for some reason all week we've all just kinda been out of it. None of us have felt productive in the slightest. It might have something to do with Nemesis getting a job in a different department, and now there's only 7 of us left. And by the way, I am having quite a hard time feeling happy about Nemesis being gone, because she's having some life issues and I just feel bad for her every time I see her. Damn it, I wanted some Nemesis gloating!

Anyway, we were talking shit as usual about one of our older co-workers, and when I say older, she's, like, seriously 62 years old. And the only people she likes are her family, and she also has quite a fondness for rats. She's had many of them. And we get to hear about them all the time.

The point is: we don't really like her. She complains about everything, and she probably should have been fired a long time ago but she's been with the company for nearly 20 years, and you know how it is. She likes working on very specific shows and if she wants to work on something, she will do it even if it means scraping out the eyeballs of anyone who dare works on it first.

An example of why I dislike her is when we were working on Beaches. And she just started talking about how much she hated that movie and how awful it was and these really mean things about it, and I couldn't even listen to her anymore. I told her it was one of my favorites and she still went on about it. I mean, really, that movie has been in my top 5 since I was 8 years old. I've seen Bette Midler live. I have 2 versions of the DVD. I pretty much know every single word by heart. I've bought the soundtrack, like, 3 different times. I take Beaches seriously, y'all. And to have her talk shit about it like it was just some random movie made me violently mad.

Anyway, the point is, I said, "One of us is going to have a confrontation with her at some point, and it'll probably be me." And my co-worker, I'll call her E, said I very well just might confront her, but I'd end up apologizing to her 5 minutes later. E would confront her and that's the end. And that's so very true. I like to think I'll look out for myself and tell people what the hell I think of them, and maybe sometimes I do. But as soon as I think I've hurt someone's feelings, I'll apologize profusely.

I'd like to think that has something to do with being a Libra and how we're always wanting to be the peacemakers, but it probably has more to do with being a wimp. And that makes me sad.

I just thought it was a really interesting and thought-provoking thing that E said, and the fact that she knows that about me makes me feel weirdly vulnerable to my co-workers.

Yeah, I need a new job.

And because I can't help myself: Sara and Grissom are engaged! EEEE! Okay.

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