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Weekend at Bernie's

June 24, 2007

So I'm still working on that transcribing thing for my dad's book, and as of now I have about 2 and half hours to transcribe. Oh, and I'm supposed to be finished with all of it by Monday. It's funny, I graduated from college almost 5 years ago (HOLY GOD I'M SO OLD!!), but I still have exactly the same procrastination techniques-put it off until the very last second and then find that I couldn't possibly get it done in that amount of time. I mean, do the math: at work, transcribing 22 minutes of a TV sitcom literally takes at least 3 hours. That's 22 minutes, y'all.

Maybe someday I'll learn. Then again, maybe not.

But the good news is that ever since my body rebelled and made me think, "Hmm, maybe not so much with the Freebirds 2 days in a row," I've been doing way better with the eating. And like I said in the last entry, someone actually noticed! Wheee! Not good: on some days, I'm actually kind of starving myself for this to happen. Like, on Thursday night I was so hungry I actually dreamt of eating. So maybe not so much with the starving thing, but there hasn't been any Freebirds either, so I think I'm doing okay. Honestly, I think my goal for the next couple of weeks is to lose enough weight for my mom to see me and say, "Wow, you've lost weight!" And then when I come back from Utah, for my dad to say the same thing. That would be good for my self-esteem.

I am going to Utah a week from Monday. For a long time this trip was going to be a road trip featuring me and Josh, but he didn't seem to really be into it. Finally he did make some plans for us to see the Grand Tetons, but then he kept asking if I really wanted him to go, because I did sort of make the suggestion that we could ditch it all and I could just go by myself. So, I'm going by myself and I really think that's best for both of us. Because really, this trip was mostly about my stuff anyway. We'd be going to see my mom and then we'd be going to Vegas, which he doesn't particularly care for.

And last year's trip, well, it kinda sucked. And when it didn't suck, like when we were in Utah with my mom and everything was lovely, or when we went to the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon and Zion Canyon (all the canyons!), I kept waiting for it to suck again. And when we were in the car together and there was no escape, I wondered how guilty my conscience would really be if I left him standing on the side of the road in, like, New Mexico.

So I think this is good. I'm flying into Vegas, driving to Utah that same day, staying for 4 days, and then going back to Vegas to spend one night there. And, y'all? I can't wait for that which is Vegas. I just love it. I love it a lot, like more than what's normal. It fascinates me hardcore, and I cannot wait to be within its confines.

In other news, I am still hard at work on my CSI fanfic. You want to know something sad? Right now it's 10 chapters and...wait for it...26,000 words. And I have plans for...wait for it...10 more chapters. Because it's my epic. And by then it'll probably be close to 50,000 words, which is how much I did for Nanowrimo. That's just a little pathetic, I think. But not really, because actually I'm a little proud of it. A lot proud, damnit! Because it's good, I'm working hard on it, people seem to like it, it has a good understanding of the characters, and it's just a well thought out story. So, if you're into that kind of thing, check it out!

Some people have asked me why I don't just write a real novel instead of something that's really quite useless in the long run, and I say it's because I need to get my crappy writing out of me first. And seriously, writing this fic has shown me interesting things about the way I write. I have trouble with transitions, first of all. I tend to use "she" and "her" and "him", pronouns if you will, WAY too much. I can never just have dialogue, it has to be, "Hi, Mother," Sara said with a smile on her face. You know what I mean? I think that might get annoying. And I overuse "had" like crazy. So this is a good experience, and hopefully when I'm done with this (and I've seriously been writing it for more than a month), I'll be ready to conquer the world of novels. Since, you know, it's what I've wanted to do since I was 8 years old.

I've been at Josh's house since Thursday and while I love him and the insane amount of puppies, I'm looking forward to the comfort of my very quiet and puppy-free apartment that I will be going to tomorrow to try to finish this fucking transcribing crap. Hopefully I can finish it by Monday so I can move on with my life and maybe, like, work out every now and then or something. Plus, it's an extra $662 for Vegas! Whee, look out, blackjack!

Also, my dad gave me my tax refund check, which I wasn't expecting because my taxes were, like, thousands of dollars and he paid it because the reason why they were thousands of dollars is because I have ownership in shopping centers and crap. The point is: another $900 for Vegas! Whee, look out, Pai Gow Poker!

I'm kidding, really. I'm not going to spend $1,500 in Vegas. My gambling addiction is bad, but not that bad...I hope. Although it has been proven that I shouldn't go to a casino unattended. But I like to think I'm smarter now and I'll make better choices. Let's try not to all laugh at once now.

Oh, yeah, and in a couple of days my days at Diaryland will equal 6 whole years. I think that's just a little bit amazing, both that I've had the attention span to keep updating and that D-land has stuck around that long. I'm thinking of joining the cool kids over at blogspot, but I don't know if I can turn my back on D-land. The calm blue and yellow and red exterior always comforts me when I need it to.

This was long. And since apparently my plea for comments went unnoticed in my last entry, let me try again, a little more pathetically: PLEASE, please please please, leave me a comment. I'm not too ashamed to beg. I need the reinforcement, okay? So, pllleeassee!

And that is all. Really. Except for the fact that I learned Josh really really likes the movie Weekend at Bernie's. I find this troubling.

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